Denise Traber
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
The politics of trade-offs: Studying the dynamics of welfare state reform with conjoint experiments
S Häusermann, T Kurer, D Traber
Comparative political studies 52 (7), 1059-1095, 2019
Political decision-making in Switzerland: The consensus model under pressure
P Sciarini, M Fischer, D Traber
Springer, 2015
Estimating intra-party preferences: comparing speeches to votes
D Schwarz, D Traber, K Benoit
Political Science Research and Methods 5 (2), 379-396, 2017
How economic crises affect political representation: declining party‒voter congruence in times of constrained government
D Traber, N Giger, S Häusermann
West European Politics 41 (5), 1100-1124, 2018
Party unity in the Swiss Parliament: the electoral connection
D Traber, S Hug, P Sciarini
The Journal of Legislative Studies 20 (2), 193-215, 2014
Errors have been made, others will be blamed: Issue engagement and blame shifting in prime minister speeches during the economic crisis in Europe
D Traber, M Schoonvelde, G Schumacher
European Journal of Political Research, 2020
The silent reform of Swiss federalism: The new constitutional articles on education
M Fischer, P Sciarini, D Traber
Swiss Political Science Review 16 (4), 747-771, 2010
Disenchanted Swiss Parliament? Electoral strategies and coalition formation
D Traber
Swiss Political Science Review 21 (4), 702-723, 2015
Social status, political priorities and unequal representation
D Traber, M Hänni, N Giger, C Breunig
European Journal of Political Research 61 (2), 351-373, 2022
EUSpeech: a New Dataset of EU Elite Speeches
G Schumacher, M Schoonvelde, D Traber, T Dahiya, E de Vries
Proceedings of PolText2016, The International Conference on the Advances in …, 2016
Does participation in policymaking enhance satisfaction with the policy outcome? Evidence from Switzerland
D Traber
Swiss Political Science Review 19 (1), 60-83, 2013
The surge in women's representation in the 2019 Swiss federal elections
N Giger, D Traber, F Gilardi, S Bütikofer
Swiss Political Science Review 28 (2), 361-376, 2022
From corporatism to bureaucratic and partisan politics: Changes in decision-making processes over time
P Sciarini, M Fischer, D Traber, P Sciarini
Political decision-making in Switzerland: The consensus model under pressure …, 2015
Group-based public opinion polarisation in multi-party systems
D Traber, LF Stoetzer, T Burri
West European Politics 46 (4), 652-677, 2023
Estimating the policy preferences of legislators in parliamentary systems: comparing speeches to votes
D Schwarz, D Traber, K Benoit
Prepared for Presentation at the 71st Annual Conference of the Midwest …, 2013
More power balance, less consensus: Changes in decision-making structures over time
P Sciarini, M Fischer, D Traber, P Sciarini
Political decision-making in Switzerland: The consensus model under pressure …, 2015
Selecting in or selecting out? Gender gaps and political methodology in Europe
MAC Gatto, AR Gohdes, D Traber, MACG Van Der Velden
PS: Political Science & Politics 53 (1), 122-127, 2020
Altersvorsorge 2020. Intakte Erfolgschancen trotz starkem Widerstand gegen Sparmassnahmen
S Häusermann, D Traber, T Kurer
Zürich: Universität Zürich, 2015
THE IDEOLOGICAL SPACE IN SWISS POLITICS Voters, parties, and realignment
D Zollinger, D Traber
The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, 116, 2023
Die Salienz von Sachthemen im internationalen Vergleich: Zurück zu „It’s the economy, stupid “während der Krise?
N Giger, D Traber
Wahlen und Wähler: Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2013, 401-419, 2016
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