Adrian Rauchfleisch
Adrian Rauchfleisch
Associate Professor, National Taiwan University
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Multiple public spheres of Weibo: A typology of forms and potentials of online public spheres in China
A Rauchfleisch, MS Schäfer
Information, Communication & Society 18 (2), 139-155, 2015
The False positive problem of automatic bot detection in social science research
A Rauchfleisch, J Kaiser
PLOS ONE 15 (10), e0241045, 2020
The different audiences of science communication: A segmentation analysis of the Swiss population’s perceptions of science and their information and media use patterns
MS Schäfer, T Füchslin, J Metag, S Kristiansen, A Rauchfleisch
Public understanding of science 27 (7), 836-856, 2018
Digital astroturfing in politics: Definition, typology, and countermeasures
M Kovic, A Rauchfleisch, M Sele, C Caspar
Studies in Communication Sciences 18 (1), 69–85-69–85, 2018
The special case of Switzerland: Swiss politicians on Twitter
A Rauchfleisch, J Metag
New Media & Society 18 (10), 2413-2431, 2016
Birds of a feather get recommended together: Algorithmic homophily in YouTube’s channel recommendations in the United States and Germany
J Kaiser, A Rauchfleisch
Social Media+ Society 6 (4), 2056305120969914, 2020
The German far-right on YouTube: An analysis of user overlap and user comments
A Rauchfleisch, J Kaiser
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 64 (3), 373-396, 2020
The impact of deplatforming the far right: an analysis of YouTube and BitChute
A Rauchfleisch, J Kaiser
Information, Communication & Society, 1-19, 2024
The public sphere as an essentially contested concept: A co-citation analysis of the last 20 years of public sphere research
A Rauchfleisch
Communication and the Public 2 (1), 3-18, 2017
How journalists verify user-generated content during terrorist crises. Analyzing Twitter communication during the Brussels attacks
A Rauchfleisch, X Artho, J Metag, S Post, MS Schäfer
Social Media+ Society 3 (3), 2056305117717888, 2017
The internet and generalized functions of the public sphere: Transformative potentials from a comparative perspective
A Rauchfleisch, M Kovic
Social Media+ Society 2 (2), 2056305116646393, 2016
Integrating concepts of counterpublics into generalised public sphere frameworks: Contemporary transformations in radical forms
J Kaiser, A Rauchfleisch
Javnost-The Public 26 (3), 241-257, 2019
Between fragmentation and dialogue. Twitter communities and political debate about the Swiss “nuclear withdrawal initiative”
D Arlt, A Rauchfleisch, MS Schäfer
Environmental Communication 13 (4), 440-456, 2019
Journalists’ use of political tweets: Functions for journalistic work and the role of perceived influences
J Metag, A Rauchfleisch
Digital journalism 5 (9), 1155-1172, 2017
Connecting the (far-) right dots: A topic modeling and hyperlink analysis of (far-) right media coverage during the US elections 2016
J Kaiser, A Rauchfleisch, N Bourassa
Digital Journalism 8 (3), 422-441, 2020
The Swiss “Tina Fey effect”: The content of late-night political humor and the negative effects of political parody on the evaluation of politicians
J Matthes, A Rauchfleisch
Communication quarterly 61 (5), 596-614, 2013
State-aligned trolling in Iran and the double-edged affordances of Instagram
S Kargar, A Rauchfleisch
New media & society 21 (7), 1506-1527, 2019
Structure and development of science communication research. Co-citation analysis of a developing field
A Rauchfleisch, MS Schäfer
JCOM: Journal of Science Communication 17 (3), A07, 2018
Brute force effects of mass media presence and social media activity on electoral outcome
M Kovic, A Rauchfleisch, J Metag, C Caspar, J Szenogrady
Social Media Campaigning in Europe, 56-79, 2020
How COVID-19 displaced climate change: mediated climate change activism and issue attention in the Swiss media and online sphere
A Rauchfleisch, D Siegen, D Vogler
Environmental Communication 17 (3), 313-321, 2023
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