Peter F. Titzmann
Peter F. Titzmann
Department of Psychology, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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Growing up too soon? Parentification among immigrant and native adolescents in Germany
PF Titzmann
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 41, 880-893, 2012
Using attachment and relational perspectives to understand adaptation and resilience among immigrant and refugee youth.
LP Juang, JA Simpson, RM Lee, AJ Rothman, PF Titzmann, ...
American Psychologist 73 (6), 797, 2018
Friendship homophily among ethnic German immigrants: A longitudinal comparison between recent and more experienced immigrant adolescents.
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen
Journal of family psychology 23 (3), 301, 2009
Friendships fighting prejudice: A longitudinal perspective on adolescents’ cross-group friendships with immigrants
PF Titzmann, A Brenick, RK Silbereisen
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 1318-1331, 2015
Adaptation of young immigrants
PF Titzmann, RM Lee
European Psychologist, 2018
Migration-specific hassles among adolescent immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany and Israel
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen, GS Mesch, E Schmitt-Rodermund
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 42 (5), 777-794, 2011
Perceptions of discrimination by young diaspora migrants
A Brenick, PF Titzmann, A Michel, RK Silbereisen
European Psychologist, 2012
Risk and protective factors for delinquency among male adolescent immigrants at different stages of the acculturation process
PF Titzmann, T Raabe, RK Silbereisen
International Journal of Psychology 43 (1), 19-31, 2008
Immigrant adolescents' adaptation to a new context: Ethnic friendship homophily and its predictors
PF Titzmann
Child Development Perspectives 8 (2), 107-112, 2014
Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts
GWJM Stevens, M Boer, PF Titzmann, A Cosma, SD Walsh
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 66, 101075, 2020
Driven by context? The interrelated effects of parents, peers, classrooms on development of prejudice among Swedish majority adolescents.
M Miklikowska, A Bohman, PF Titzmann
Developmental psychology 55 (11), 2451, 2019
Friendship homophily among diaspora migrant adolescents in Germany and Israel
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen, E Schmitt-Rodermund
European Psychologist 12 (3), 181-195, 2007
Immigrants' adaptation to different cultural settings: A contextual perspective on acculturation: Introduction for the special section on immigration
PF Titzmann, AJ Fuligni
International Journal of Psychology 50 (6), 407-412, 2015
Acculturation or development? Autonomy expectations among ethnic German immigrant adolescents and their native German age‐mates
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen
Child Development 83 (5), 1640-1654, 2012
Psychological adaptation of adolescent immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Germany: Acculturation versus age-related time trends
A Michel, PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (1), 59-76, 2012
Change in friendship homophily: A German Israeli comparison of adolescent immigrants
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen, GS Mesch
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 (3), 410-428, 2012
Young diaspora immigrants’ attitude and behavior toward the host culture
K Stoessel, PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen
European Psychologist, 2012
Acculturation in context: The moderating effects of immigrant and native peer orientations on the acculturation experiences of immigrants
PF Titzmann, P Jugert
Journal of youth and adolescence 44, 2079-2094, 2015
Being “them” and “us” at the same time? Subgroups of cultural identification change among adolescent diaspora immigrants
K Stoessel, PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 45 (7), 1089-1109, 2014
Minor delinquency and immigration: A longitudinal study among male adolescents.
PF Titzmann, RK Silbereisen, G Mesch
Developmental Psychology 50 (1), 271, 2014
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