Patrick Villechaise
Patrick Villechaise
ISAE-ENSMA & Institut Pprime
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Analysis of the different slip systems activated by tension in a α/β titanium alloy in relation with local crystallographic orientation
F Bridier, P Villechaise, J Mendez
Acta Materialia 53 (3), 555-567, 2005
Slip and fatigue crack formation processes in an α/β titanium alloy in relation to crystallographic texture on different scales
F Bridier, P Villechaise, J Mendez
Acta Materialia 56 (15), 3951-3962, 2008
Crystal plasticity modeling of slip activity in Ti–6Al–4V under high cycle fatigue loading
F Bridier, DL McDowell, P Villechaise, J Mendez
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (6), 1066-1082, 2009
Microstructural evolutions during thermal aging of alloy 625: impact of temperature and forming process
LM Suave, J Cormier, P Villechaise, A Soula, Z Hervier, D Bertheau, ...
Metallurgical and materials transactions A 45, 2963-2982, 2014
A microstructure-sensitive constitutive modeling of the inelastic behavior of single crystal nickel-based superalloys at very high temperature
JB Le Graverend, J Cormier, F Gallerneau, P Villechaise, S Kruch, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 59, 55-83, 2014
In-plane strain measurements on a microscopic scale by coupling digital image correlation and an in situ SEM technique
F Lagattu, F Bridier, P Villechaise, J Brillaud
Materials Characterization 56 (1), 10-18, 2006
On slip band features and crack initiation in fatigued 316L austenitic stainless steel: Part 1: Analysis by electron back-scattered diffraction and atomic force microscopy
P Villechaise, L Sabatier, JC Girard
Materials Science and Engineering: A 323 (1-2), 377-385, 2002
Hardness and elastic modulus gradients in plasma-nitrided 316L polycrystalline stainless steel investigated by nanoindentation tomography
C Tromas, JC Stinville, C Templier, P Villechaise
Acta Materialia 60 (5), 1965-1973, 2012
Influence of the crystalline texture on the fatigue behavior of a 316L austenitic stainless steel
M Mineur, P Villechaise, J Mendez
Materials Science and Engineering: A 286 (2), 257-268, 2000
Crack initiation sensitivity of wrought direct aged alloy 718 in the very high cycle fatigue regime: the role of non-metallic inclusions
D Texier, J Cormier, P Villechaise, JC Stinville, CJ Torbet, S Pierret, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 678, 122-136, 2016
Grain boundary–slip bands interactions: Impact on the fatigue crack initiation in a polycrystalline forged Ni-based superalloy
B Larrouy, P Villechaise, J Cormier, O Berteaux
Acta Materialia 99, 325-336, 2015
Measurements of plastic localization by heaviside-digital image correlation
F Bourdin, JC Stinville, MP Echlin, PG Callahan, WC Lenthe, CJ Torbet, ...
Acta Materialia 157, 307-325, 2018
Reactive magnetron cosputtering of hard and conductive ternary nitride thin films: Ti–Zr–N and Ti–Ta–N
G Abadias, LE Koutsokeras, SN Dub, GN Tolmachova, A Debelle, ...
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 28 (4), 541-551, 2010
Plasma nitriding of 316L austenitic stainless steel: Experimental investigation of fatigue life and surface evolution
JC Stinville, P Villechaise, C Templier, JP Riviere, M Drouet
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (12-13), 1947-1951, 2010
Benefits of high gradient solidification for creep and low cycle fatigue of AM1 single crystal superalloy
S Steuer, P Villechaise, TM Pollock, J Cormier
Materials Science and Engineering: A 645, 109-115, 2015
On lattice plane rotation and crystallographic structure of the expanded austenite in plasma nitrided AISI 316L steel
C Templier, JC Stinville, P Villechaise, PO Renault, G Abrasonis, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 204 (16-17), 2551-2558, 2010
In situ EBSD investigation of deformation processes and strain partitioning in bi-modal Ti-6Al-4V using lattice rotations
S Hémery, P Villechaise
Acta Materialia 171, 261-274, 2019
In situ SEM investigation of slip transfer in Ti-6Al-4V: Effect of applied stress
S Hémery, P Nizou, P Villechaise
Materials Science and Engineering: A 709, 277-284, 2018
Simulation of slip band evolution in duplex Ti–6Al–4V
M Zhang, F Bridier, P Villechaise, J Méndez, DL McDowell
Acta materialia 58 (3), 1087-1096, 2010
Is there an optimal grain size for creep resistance in Ni-based disk superalloys?
L Thébaud, P Villechaise, C Crozet, A Devaux, D Béchet, JM Franchet, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 716, 274-283, 2018
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Articles 1–20