Michael Gill
Michael Gill
Professor & Chair of Psychology, Lehigh University
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The future is now: Temporal correction in affective forecasting
DT Gilbert, MJ Gill, TD Wilson
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 88 (1), 430-444, 2002
Confidence and accuracy in person perception: Do we know what we think we know about our relationship partners?
WB Swann Jr, MJ Gill
Journal of personality and social psychology 73 (4), 747, 1997
On the genesis of confidence.
MJ Gill, WB Swann Jr, DH Silvera
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (5), 1101, 1998
When information does not deter stereotyping: Prescriptive stereotyping can foster bias under conditions that deter descriptive stereotyping
MJ Gill
Journal of experimental social psychology 40 (5), 619-632, 2004
On what it means to know someone: A matter of pragmatics.
MJ Gill, WB Swann Jr
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86 (3), 405, 2004
The momentary realist
DT Gilbert, MJ Gill
Psychological Science 11 (5), 394-398, 2000
Do natural kind beliefs about social groups contribute to prejudice? Distinguishing bio-somatic essentialism from bio-behavioral essentialism, and both of these from entitativity
MR Andreychik, MJ Gill
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 18 (4), 454-474, 2015
Do negative implicit associations indicate negative attitudes? Social explanations moderate whether ostensible “negative” associations are prejudice-based or empathy-based
MR Andreychik, MJ Gill
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (5), 1082-1093, 2012
Ingroup identity moderates the impact of social explanations on intergroup attitudes: External explanations are not inherently prosocial
MR Andreychik, MJ Gill
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (12), 1632-1645, 2009
Explanation and intergroup emotion: Social explanations as a foundation of prejudice-related compunction
MJ Gill, MR Andreychik
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10 (1), 87-106, 2007
More than a lack of control: External explanations can evoke compassion for outgroups by increasing perceptions of suffering (independent of perceived control)
MJ Gill, MR Andreychik, PD Getty
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (1), 73-87, 2013
He never willed to have the will he has: Historicist narratives,“civilized” blame, and the need to distinguish two notions of free will.
MJ Gill, SC Cerce
Journal of personality and social psychology 112 (3), 361, 2017
The Social Explanatory Styles Questionnaire: Assessing moderators of basic social-cognitive phenomena including spontaneous trait inference, the fundamental attribution error …
MJ Gill, MR Andreychik
PloS one 9 (7), e100886, 2014
How do we know what we will like? The informational basis of affective forecasting
DT Gilbert, MJ Gill, TD Wilson
Unpublished manuscript, Harvard University, 1998
Getting emotional about explanations: Social explanations and social explanatory styles as bases of prosocial emotions and intergroup attitudes
MJ Gill, MR Andreychik
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3 (6), 1038-1054, 2009
Interpersonal perception: From snap judgments to the regulation of enduring relationships.
GB Moskowitz, MJ Gill
Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology, 2013
Biased against “them” more than “him”: Stereotype use in group-directed and individual-directed judgments
MJ Gill
Social cognition 21 (5), 321-348, 2003
How much blame does he truly deserve? Historicist narratives engender uncertainty about blameworthiness, facilitating motivated cognition in moral judgment
MJ Gill, ND Ungson
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 77, 11-23, 2018
The Blame Intensity Inventory: Assessing the propensity to blame harshly and its unique capacity to predict malicious satisfaction from offender victimization
MJ Gill, SC Cerce
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167220985362, 2021
More to morality than mutualism: Consistent contributors exist and they can inspire costly generosity in others
MJ Gill, DJ Packer, J Van Bavel
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1), 90, 2013
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Articles 1–20