Pieter Perrett
Pieter Perrett
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The need for innovations in business models
F Barjak, A Niedermann, P Perret
Final Policy Brief (Deliverable 5) to the European Commission. DG Research …, 2014
Knowledge transfer study 2010–2012—Final Report
A Arundel, N Es-Sadki, F Barjak, P Perrett, O Samuel, S Lilischkis
European Commission, Brussels, 2013
Dynamic collaboration between small-and medium-sized enterprises from highly dissimilar markets
M Wang, H Mühlbacher, X Wittmann, P Perrett
European Management Journal 39 (2), 185-200, 2021
Knowledge Transfer Study 2010-2012
A Arundel, N Es-Sadki, F Barjak, P Perrett, O Samuel, S Lilschkis
University Of Tasmania, 2013
Paving the way for a new composite indicator on business model innovations
F Barjak, M Bill, PJ Perrett
Respondent Report of the Knowledge Transfer Study (data for 2010)
A Arundel, F Barjak, N Es-Sadki, T Hüsing, S Lilischkis, P Perrett, ...
Report produced by empirica GmbH, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz and UNU …, 2012
Erste Auswirkungen der Abschaffung der Buchpreisbindung
B Hulliger, D Lussmann, P Perrett, M Binswanger
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweitz, 2008
Knowledge transfer study 2010–2012. Final report to the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation
A Arundel, N Es-Sadki, S Lilischkis, O Samuel, PJ Perrett, F Barjak
Key success factors for a social innovation hub
R Meyer, PJ Perrett
Best practice of Social Hubs-A qualitative survey of 21 social hubs in Europe, Northern America, and Asia
R Meyer, PJ Perrett
Impact Hub, 2018
Business model innovation as a composite type of innovation
F Barjak, PJ Perrett
Towards the evaluation of research and innovation policies at system level
S Zagelmeyer, PJ Perrett, F Barjak
European Knowledge Transfer Report 2013
A Arundel, N Es-Sadki, F Barjak, P Perrett, S Lilischkis
European Commission, 2013
The Future of e-Research Infrastructures
R Schroeder, E Meyer, K Eccles, Z Kertcher, F Barjak, T Huesing, ...
Erste Auswirkungen der Abschaffung der Buchpreisbindung, Technischer Bericht und Vertiefung
D Lussmann Pooda, N von Arx-Steiner, B Hulliger, PJ Perrett, ...
Erste Auswirkungen der Abschaffung der Buchpreisbindung. Forschungsbericht der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
B Hulliger, D Lussmann Pooda, PJ Perrett, M Binswanger
Erste Auswirkungen der Abschaffung der Buchpreisbindung, Technischer Bericht und Vertiefung
B Hulliger, M Binswanger, D Lussmann Pooda, PJ Perrett, ...
Knowledge Transfer Study 2010–2012. Final Report to the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation
F Barjak, A Arundel, N Es-Sadki, PJ Perrett, O Samuel, S Lilischkis
Towards the evaluation of research and innovation policies at system level
F Barjak, PJ Perrett, S Zagelmeyer
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Articles 1–19