Alcione de Paiva Oliveira
Alcione de Paiva Oliveira
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Cited by
Multi-objective variable neighborhood search algorithms for a single machine scheduling problem with distinct due windows
JEC Arroyo, R dos Santos Ottoni, A de Paiva Oliveira
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 281, 5-19, 2011
O nível do conhecimento e os instrumentos de representação: tesauros e ontologias
A Moreira, L Alvarenga, AP Oliveira
DataGramaZero-Revista de Ciência da Informação 5 (6), 1-25, 2004
Modelos de tomada de decisão em bioética clínica: apontamentos para a abordagem computacional
R Siqueira-Batista, AP Gomes, PM Maia, IT Costa, AO Paiva, ...
Revista Bioética 22, 456-461, 2014
“Thesaurus” and “Ontology:” A Study of the Definitions Found in the Computer and Information Science Literature, by Means of an Analytical Synthetic Method
L Alvarenga, A de Paiva Oliveira
KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION 31 (4), 231-244, 2004
NICeSim: an open-source simulator based on machine learning techniques to support medical research on prenatal and perinatal care decision making
FR Cerqueira, TG Ferreira, A de Paiva Oliveira, DA Augusto, E Krempser, ...
Artificial intelligence in medicine 62 (3), 193-201, 2014
Mirnacle: machine learning with SMOTE and random forest for improving selectivity in pre-miRNA ab initio prediction
YB Marques, A de Paiva Oliveira, AT Ribeiro Vasconcelos, FR Cerqueira
BMC bioinformatics 17, 53-63, 2016
CD4+ CD25+ T lymphocytes and regulation of the immune system: perspectives for a pathophysiological understanding of sepsis
R Siqueira-Batista, AP Gomes, SFM Azevedo, RR Vitorino, EG Mendonça, ...
Revista Brasileira de terapia intensiva 24, 294-301, 2012
Modelagem ontológica no apoio à modelagem conceitual
MLB Villela, A de Paiva Oliveira, JL Braga
Anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 241-256, 2004
A deep learning approach for sentiment analysis applied to hotel’s reviews
JGR de Souza, A de Paiva Oliveira, GC de Andrade, A Moreira
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 23rd International …, 2018
Pro-inflammatory cytokines in sepsis: biological studies and prospects from in silico research
AP Gomes, PSB Miguel, DLS Alves, VH Inoue, AP Oliveira, FR Cerqueira, ...
Biol Syst Open Access 5 (01), 1-7, 2015
As redes neurais artificiais e o ensino da medicina
R Siqueira-Batista, RR Vitorino, AP Gomes, AP Oliveira, RS Ferreira, ...
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica 38 (4), 548-556, 2014
Linfócitos T CD4+ CD25+ e a regulação do sistema imunológico: perspectivas para o entendimento fisiopatológico da sepse
R Siqueira-Batista, AP Gomes, SFM Azevedo, RR Vitorino, EG Mendonça, ...
Revista Brasileira de terapia intensiva 24, 294-301, 2012
An infrastructure oriented for cataloging services and reuse of Analysis Patterns
LF da Matta Vegi, DA Peixoto, LS Soares, J Lisboa-Filho, ...
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2011 International Workshops …, 2012
An in-silico immune system model for investigating human autoimmune diseases
MA Possi, AP Oliveira, CMG Chaves, FR Cerqueira, JEC Arroyo
XXXVII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (XXXVII CLEI), 2011
A educação em ambientes virtuais: proposição de recursos computacionais para aumentar a eficiência do processo ensino-aprendizado
LL Lazzarotto, A de Paiva Oliveira, JL Braga, FJV dos Passos
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 19 (02), 42, 2011
ClickOnMap: a framework to develop volunteered geographic information systems with dynamic metadata
WD de Souza, J Lisboa-Filho, JH de Sousa Câmara, JNV Filho, ...
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th International …, 2014
Immune system simulation: Modeling the mast cell
CC Da Silva, ADP Oliveira, MDA Possi, FR Cerqueira, AP Gomes, ...
2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 1-4, 2012
Uma ferramenta para simulação do sistema imunológico através de sistemas multiagentes: um caso de estudo da autoimunidade
MA Possi
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2012
Development of a brazilian portuguese hotel’s reviews corpus
JGR de Souza, A de Paiva Oliveira, A Moreira
International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2018
Feasibility Study of Multi-Agent Simulation at Cellular Level with FLAME GPU
AP Oliveira
The 29 International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society …, 2016
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Articles 1–20