Joel A. Tropp
Joel A. Tropp
Steele Family Professor of Applied & Computational Mathematics, Caltech
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Cited by
Signal recovery from random measurements via orthogonal matching pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on information theory 53 (12), 4655-4666, 2007
CoSaMP: Iterative signal recovery from incomplete and inaccurate samples
D Needell, JA Tropp
Applied and computational harmonic analysis 26 (3), 301-321, 2009
Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions
N Halko, PG Martinsson, JA Tropp
SIAM review 53 (2), 217-288, 2011
Greed is good: Algorithmic results for sparse approximation
JA Tropp
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 50 (10), 2231-2242, 2004
User-friendly tail bounds for sums of random matrices
JA Tropp
Foundations of computational mathematics 12, 389-434, 2012
Just relax: Convex programming methods for identifying sparse signals in noise
JA Tropp
IEEE transactions on information theory 52 (3), 1030-1051, 2006
Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part I: Greedy pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss
Signal processing 86 (3), 572-588, 2006
Computational methods for sparse solution of linear inverse problems
JA Tropp, SJ Wright
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 948-958, 2010
An introduction to matrix concentration inequalities
JA Tropp
Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 8 (1-2), 1-230, 2015
Beyond Nyquist: Efficient sampling of sparse bandlimited signals
JA Tropp, JN Laska, MF Duarte, JK Romberg, RG Baraniuk
IEEE transactions on information theory 56 (1), 520-544, 2009
Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part II: Convex relaxation
JA Tropp
Signal Processing 86 (3), 589-602, 2006
Living on the edge: Phase transitions in convex programs with random data
D Amelunxen, M Lotz, MB McCoy, JA Tropp
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 3 (3), 224-294, 2014
Designing structured tight frames via an alternating projection method
JA Tropp, IS Dhillon, RW Heath, T Strohmer
IEEE Transactions on information theory 51 (1), 188-209, 2005
Randomized numerical linear algebra: Foundations and algorithms
PG Martinsson, JA Tropp
Acta Numerica 29, 403-572, 2020
Improved analysis of the subsampled randomized Hadamard transform
JA Tropp
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 3 (01n02), 115-126, 2011
Random filters for compressive sampling and reconstruction
JA Tropp, MB Wakin, MF Duarte, D Baron, RG Baraniuk
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Simultaneous sparse approximation via greedy pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
One sketch for all: fast algorithms for compressed sensing
AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss, JA Tropp, R Vershynin
Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2007
Paved with good intentions: analysis of a randomized block Kaczmarz method
D Needell, JA Tropp
Linear Algebra and its Applications 441, 199-221, 2014
On the existence of equiangular tight frames
MA Sustik, JA Tropp, IS Dhillon, RW Heath Jr
Linear Algebra and its applications 426 (2-3), 619-635, 2007
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Articles 1–20