Jeong Hwan Lee
Jeong Hwan Lee
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Micropatterned P (VDF‐TrFE) film‐based piezoelectric nanogenerators for highly sensitive self‐powered pressure sensors
JH Lee, HJ Yoon, TY Kim, MK Gupta, JH Lee, W Seung, H Ryu, SW Kim
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (21), 3203-3209, 2015
Boosting power‐generating performance of triboelectric nanogenerators via artificial control of ferroelectric polarization and dielectric properties
W Seung, HJ Yoon, TY Kim, H Ryu, J Kim, JH Lee, JH Lee, S Kim, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (2), 1600988, 2017
Shape memory polymer-based self-healing triboelectric nanogenerator
JH Lee, R Hinchet, SK Kim, S Kim, SW Kim
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (12), 3605-3613, 2015
High‐performance piezoelectric, pyroelectric, and triboelectric nanogenerators based on P (VDF‐TrFE) with controlled crystallinity and dipole alignment
J Kim, JH Lee, H Ryu, JH Lee, U Khan, H Kim, SS Kwak, SW Kim
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (22), 1700702, 2017
Triboelectrification-induced large electric power generation from a single moving droplet on graphene/polytetrafluoroethylene
SS Kwak, S Lin, JH Lee, H Ryu, TY Kim, H Zhong, H Chen, SW Kim
ACS nano 10 (8), 7297-7302, 2016
Sustainable direct current powering a triboelectric nanogenerator via a novel asymmetrical design
H Ryu, JH Lee, U Khan, SS Kwak, R Hinchet, SW Kim
Energy & Environmental Science 11 (8), 2057-2063, 2018
High-performance triboelectric nanogenerators with artificially well-tailored interlocked interfaces
HJ Choi, JH Lee, J Jun, TY Kim, SW Kim, H Lee
Nano Energy 27, 595-601, 2016
Energy Harvesting: Micropatterned P (VDF‐TrFE) Film‐Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators for Highly Sensitive Self‐Powered Pressure Sensors (Adv. Funct. Mater. 21/2015)
JH Lee, HJ Yoon, TY Kim, MK Gupta, JH Lee, W Seung, H Ryu, SW Kim
Advanced Functional Materials 25 (21), 3276-3276, 2015
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