Daniel Scherrer
Daniel Scherrer
Scientific staff member, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
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Topographically controlled thermal‐habitat differentiation buffers alpine plant diversity against climate warming
D Scherrer, C Körner
Journal of biogeography 38 (2), 406-416, 2011
Infra‐red thermometry of alpine landscapes challenges climatic warming projections
D Scherrer, C Koerner
Global Change Biology 16 (9), 2602-2613, 2010
What we use is not what we know: environmental predictors in plant distribution models
HK Mod, D Scherrer, M Luoto, A Guisan
Journal of Vegetation Science 27 (6), 1308-1322, 2016
Drought-sensitivity ranking of deciduous tree species based on thermal imaging of forest canopies
D Scherrer, MKF Bader, C Körner
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (12), 1632-1640, 2011
Elevational species shifts in a warmer climate are overestimated when based on weather station data
D Scherrer, S Schmid, C Körner
International journal of Biometeorology 55, 645-654, 2011
Climate sensitivity and drought seasonality determine post-drought growth recovery of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in Europe
AK Bose, D Scherrer, JJ Camarero, D Ziche, F Babst, C Bigler, A Bolte, ...
Science of the Total Environment 784, 147222, 2021
Ecological indicator values reveal missing predictors of species distributions
D Scherrer, A Guisan
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3061, 2019
Biogeophysical controls on soil-atmosphere thermal differences: implications on warming Arctic ecosystems
J Aalto, D Scherrer, J Lenoir, A Guisan, M Luoto
Environmental Research Letters 13 (7), 074003, 2018
Assessing and predicting shifts in mountain forest composition across 25 years of climate change
D Scherrer, S Massy, S Meier, P Vittoz, A Guisan
Diversity and Distributions 23 (5), 517-528, 2017
Effects of simulated observation errors on the performance of species distribution models
RF Fernandes, D Scherrer, A Guisan
Diversity and Distributions 25 (3), 400-413, 2019
Disentangling the processes driving plant assemblages in mountain grasslands across spatial scales and environmental gradients
D Scherrer, HK Mod, J Pottier, A Litsios‐Dubuis, L Pellissier, P Vittoz, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 265-278, 2019
Modelling bat distributions and diversity in a mountain landscape using focal predictors in ensemble of small models
D Scherrer, P Christe, A Guisan
Diversity and Distributions 25 (5), 770-782, 2019
Competition and demography rather than dispersal limitation slow down upward shifts of trees’ upper elevation limits in the Alps
D Scherrer, Y Vitasse, A Guisan, T Wohlgemuth, H Lischke
Journal of Ecology 108 (6), 2416-2430, 2020
Climate change impacts on mountain biodiversity
A Guisan, O Broennimann, A Buri, C Cianfrani, M D’Amen, V Di Cola, ...
Biodiversity and climate change, 221-233, 2019
How to best threshold and validate stacked species assemblages? Community optimisation might hold the answer
D Scherrer, M D'Amen, RF Fernandes, RG Mateo, A Guisan
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (10), 2155-2166, 2018
Lessons learned from a long‐term irrigation experiment in a dry Scots pine forest: impacts on traits and functioning
AK Bose, A Rigling, A Gessler, F Hagedorn, I Brunner, L Feichtinger, ...
Ecological Monographs 92 (2), e1507, 2022
How much should one sample to accurately predict the distribution of species assemblages? A virtual community approach
RF Fernandes, D Scherrer, A Guisan
Ecological Informatics 48, 125-134, 2018
ecospat: spatial ecology miscellaneous methods. R package version 1.0
O Broennimann, B Petitpierre, C Randin, R Engler, VD Cola, F Breiner, ...
Canopy disturbances catalyse tree species shifts in Swiss forests
D Scherrer, D Ascoli, M Conedera, C Fischer, J Maringer, B Moser, ...
Ecosystems 25 (1), 199-214, 2022
Small oral tongue cancers (≤ 4 cm in diameter) with clinically negative neck: from the 7th to the 8th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer
A Almangush, AA Mäkitie, LK Mäkinen, JH Kauppila, M Pukkila, ...
Virchows Archiv 473, 481-487, 2018
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