Karen Golden-Biddle
Karen Golden-Biddle
Boston University Questrom Business School
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Composing qualitative research
K Golden-Biddle, K Locke
Sage Publications, 2006
Appealing work: An investigation of how ethnographic texts convince
K Golden-Biddle, K Locke
Organization science 4 (4), 595-616, 1993
Constructing opportunities for contribution: Structuring intertextual coherence and “problematizing” in organizational studies
K Locke, K Golden-Biddle
Academy of Management journal 40 (5), 1023-1062, 1997
Breaches in the boardroom: Organizational identity and conflicts of commitment in a nonprofit organization
K Golden-Biddle, H Rao
Organization science 8 (6), 593-611, 1997
Towards systematic reviews that inform health care management and policy-making
J Lavis, H Davies, A Oxman, JL Denis, K Golden-Biddle, E Ferlie
Journal of health services research & policy 10 (1_suppl), 35-48, 2005
Making doubt generative: rethinking the role of doubt in the research process
K Locke, K Golden-Biddle, MS Feldman
Organization Science 19 (6), 907-918, 2008
Legitimizing a new role: Small wins and microprocesses of change
T Reay, K Golden-Biddle, K Germann
Academy of Management Journal 49 (5), 977-998, 2006
Working with pluralism: Determining quality in qualitative research
M Easterby-Smith, K Golden-Biddle, K Locke
Organizational research methods 11 (3), 419-429, 2008
Coding practices and iterativity: Beyond templates for analyzing qualitative data
K Locke, M Feldman, K Golden-Biddle
Organizational research methods 25 (2), 262-284, 2022
Between a dream and a nightmare: On the integration of the human resources management and strategic business planning processes
KA Golden, V Ramanujam
Human Resource Management 24 (4), 429-452; doi: 10.1002/hrm.3930240405, 1985
Liminality as cultural process for cultural change
J Howard-Grenville, K Golden-Biddle, J Irwin, J Mao
Organization Science 22 (2), 522-539, 2011
Organizational culture and identity: What’s the difference anyway
CM Fiol, MJ Hatch, K Golden-Biddle
Identity in organizations: Building theory through conversations, 56-59, 1998
The individual and organizational culture: Strategies for action in highly-ordered contexts.
KA Golden
Journal of Management Studies 29, 1-21, 1992
Understanding how organizational culture shapes research use
S Scott-Findlay, K Golden-Biddle
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 35 (7), 359-365, 2005
Transforming new ideas into practice: An activity based perspective on the institutionalization of practices
T Reay, S Chreim, K Golden‐Biddle, E Goodrick, BE Williams, ...
Journal of Management Studies 50 (6), 963-990, 2013
Managing traditionality and strategic change in nonprofit organizations
PF Salipante, K Golden‐Biddle
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 6 (1), 3-20, 1995
Patterns of research utilization on patient care units
CA Estabrooks, S Scott, JE Squires, B Stevens, L O'Brien-Pallas, ...
Implementation science 3, 1-16, 2008
Central questions of anonymization: A case study of secondary use of qualitative data
D Thomson, L Bzdel, K Golden-Biddle, T Reay, CA Estabrooks
Forum qualitative sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative social research 6 (1), 2005
The identity of organizations
H Bouchikhi, CM Fiol, DA Gioia, K Golden-Biddle, MJ Hatch, V Rindova, ...
Identity in organizations: Building theory through conversations, 33-80, 1998
Toward a communicative perspective of collaborating in research: the case of the researcher-decision-maker partnership
K Golden-Biddle, T Reay, S Petz, C Witt, A Casebeer, A Pablo, ...
Journal of health services research & policy 8 (2_suppl), 20-25, 2003
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