Thomas Schnell
Cited by
Cited by
EOG artifact removal using a wavelet neural network
HAT Nguyen, J Musson, F Li, W Wang, G Zhang, R Xu, C Richey, ...
Neurocomputing 97, 374-389, 2012
Improved flight technical performance in flight decks equipped with synthetic vision information system displays
T Schnell, Y Kwon, S Merchant, T Etherington
The international Journal of Aviation psychology 14 (1), 79-102, 2004
Visibility of road markings as a function of age, retroreflectivity under low-beam and high-beam illumination at night
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1692 (1), 152-163, 1999
Minimum in-service retroreflectivity of pavement markings
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1715 (1), 60-70, 2000
Thermal imaging as a way to classify cognitive workload
J Stemberger, RS Allison, T Schnell
2010 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 231-238, 2010
Effect of luminance and text size on information acquisition time from traffic signs
T Schnell, L Yekhshatyan, R Daiker
Transportation research record 2122 (1), 52-62, 2009
Evaluation of traffic flow analysis tools applied to work zones based on flow data collected in the field
T Schnell, JS Mohror, F Aktan
Transportation research record 1811 (1), 57-66, 2002
Visibility of new pavement markings at night under low-beam illumination
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1495, 117, 1995
Driver preview distances at night based on driver eye scanning recordings as a function of pavement marking retroreflectivities
T Schnell, HT Zwahlen
Transportation Research Record 1692 (1), 129-141, 1999
Aviation display system and method
DJ Henry, MJ Cunnien, MJ Armstrong, PJ Flugstad, SM Spencer, ...
US Patent 9,648,313, 2017
Legibility of traffic sign text and symbols
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1692 (1), 142-151, 1999
Updates to research on recommended minimum levels for pavement marking retroreflectivity to meet driver night visibility needs
C Debaillon, PJ Carlson, Y He, T Schnell, F Aktan
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, 2007
Performance evaluation of pavement markings under dry, wet, and rainy conditions in the field
F Aktan, T Schnell
Transportation research record 1877 (1), 38-49, 2004
Visual detection and recognition of fluorescent color targets versus nonfluorescent color targets as a function of peripheral viewing angle and target size
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1605 (1), 28-40, 1997
Driver eye-scanning behavior as function of pavement marking configuration
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation Research Record 1605 (1), 62-72, 1997
Visibility of new centerline and edge line pavement markings
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation research record 1605 (1), 49-61, 1997
Driver-headlamp dimensions, driver characteristics, and vehicle and environmental factors in retroreflective target visibility calculations
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Transportation research record 1692 (1), 106-118, 1999
Deep models for engagement assessment with scarce label information
F Li, G Zhang, W Wang, R Xu, T Schnell, J Wen, F McKenzie, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (4), 598-605, 2016
Synthetic vision system and methods
T Schnell, JC Wenger, A Postnikov
US Patent App. 11/881,409, 2008
Driver eye scanning behaviour when reading symbolic warning signs
HT Zwahlen, T Schnell
Vision in vehicles 6, 3-11, 1998
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Articles 1–20