Alexander Neiman
Alexander Neiman
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University
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Effects of noise in excitable systems
B Lindner, J Garcıa-Ojalvo, A Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier
Physics reports 392 (6), 321-424, 2004
Nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems: tutorial and modern developments
V Anishchenko, V Astakhov, A Neiman, T Vadivasova, ...
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 2007
Stochastic resonance: noise-enhanced order
VS Anishchenko, AB Neiman, F Moss, L Shimansky-Geier
Physics-Uspekhi 42, 7, 1999
Нелинейные эффекты в хаотических и стохастических системах
BC Анищенко, ВВ Астахов, ТЕ Вадивасова, АБ Нейман, ГИ Стрелкова, ...
Известия высших учебных заведений. Прикладная нелинейная динамика 11 (3 …, 2003
Coherence resonance in a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron
SG Lee, A Neiman, S Kim
Physical Review E 57 (3), 3292, 1998
Noise-enhanced phase synchronization in excitable media
A Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier, A Cornell-Bell, F Moss
Physical Review Letters 83 (23), 4896, 1999
Coherence resonance at noisy precursors of bifurcations in nonlinear dynamical systems
A Neiman, PI Saparin, L Stone
Physical Review E 56 (1), 270, 1997
Стохастический резонанс как индуцированный шумом эффект увеличения степени порядка
ВС Анищенко, АБ Нейман, Ф Мосс, Л Шиманский-Гайер
Успехи физических наук 169 (1), 7-38, 1999
Synchronization of the noisy electrosensitive cells in the paddlefish
A Neiman, X Pei, D Russell, W Wojtenek, L Wilkens, F Moss, HA Braun, ...
Physical Review Letters 82 (3), 660, 1999
Homoclinic bifurcation in a Hodgkin–Huxley model of thermally sensitive neurons
U Feudel, A Neiman, X Pei, W Wojtenek, H Braun, M Huber, F Moss
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 10 (1), 231-239, 2000
Stochastic resonance: Noise-enhanced phase coherence
A Neiman, A Silchenko, V Anishchenko, L Schimansky-Geier
Physical Review E 58 (6), 7118, 1998
Mean switching frequency locking in stochastic bistable systems driven by a periodic force
B Shulgin, A Neiman, V Anishchenko
Physical review letters 75 (23), 4157, 1995
Synchronization of noise-induced bursts in noncoupled sensory neurons
AB Neiman, DF Russell
Physical review letters 88 (13), 138103, 2002
Stochastic resonance in chaotic systems
VS Anishchenko, AB Neiman, MA Safanova
Journal of statistical physics 70 (1), 183-196, 1993
Stochastic resonance enhances the electrosensory information available to paddlefish for prey capture
PE Greenwood, LM Ward, DF Russell, A Neiman, F Moss
Physical Review Letters 84 (20), 4773, 2000
Stochastic resonance in psychophysics and in animal behavior
LM Ward, A Neiman, F Moss
Biological cybernetics 87 (2), 91-101, 2002
Stochastic resonance in ensembles of nondynamical elements: The role of internal noise
PC Gailey, A Neiman, JJ Collins, F Moss
Physical Review Letters 79 (23), 4701, 1997
Synchronizationlike phenomena in coupled stochastic bistable systems
A Neiman
Physical Review E 49 (4), 3484, 1994
Dynamical entropies applied to stochastic resonance
A Neiman, B Shulgin, V Anishchenko, W Ebeling, L Schimansky-Geier, ...
Physical Review Letters 76 (23), 4299, 1996
Stochastic resonance in bistable systems driven by harmonic noise
A Neiman, L Schimansky-Geier
Physical review letters 72 (19), 2988, 1994
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Articles 1–20