Mark Copelovitch
Mark Copelovitch
Professor of Political Science and Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin - Madison
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Master or servant? Common agency and the political economy of IMF lending
MS Copelovitch
International Studies Quarterly 54 (1), 49-77, 2010
The political economy of the euro crisis
M Copelovitch, J Frieden, S Walter
Comparative political studies 49 (7), 811-840, 2016
The International Monetary Fund in the global economy: Banks, bonds, and bailouts
MS Copelovitch
Cambridge University Press, 2010
International organizations in a new era of populist nationalism
M Copelovitch, JCW Pevehouse
The Review of International Organizations 14, 169-186, 2019
The political consequences of economic shocks. Evidence from Poland
J Ahlquist, M Copelovitch, S Walter
American Journal of Political Science 64 (4), 904-920, 2020
Financial regulation, monetary policy, and inflation in the industrialized world
MS Copelovitch, DA Singer
The Journal of Politics 70 (3), 663-680, 2008
Design in context: Existing international agreements and new cooperation
MS Copelovitch, TL Putnam
International Organization 68 (2), 471-493, 2014
Ties that bind? Preferential trade agreements and exchange rate policy choice
MS Copelovitch, JCW Pevehouse
International Studies Quarterly 57 (2), 385-399, 2013
Trade, institutions, and the timing of GATT/WTO accession in post-colonial states
MS Copelovitch, D Ohls
The Review of International Organizations 7, 81-107, 2012
Financial data transparency, international institutions, and sovereign borrowing costs
M Copelovitch, C Gandrud, M Hallerberg
International Studies Quarterly 62 (1), 23-41, 2018
Challenges to the contemporary global order. Cause for pessimism or optimism?
M Copelovitch, SB Hobolt, S Walter
Journal of European Public Policy 27 (7), 1114-1125, 2020
The political impact of monetary shocks: evidence from India's 2016 Demonetization
RR Bhavnani, M Copelovitch
Available at SSRN 3095228, 2018
Tipping the (Im) balance: Capital inflows, financial market structure, and banking crises
M Copelovitch, DA Singer
Economics & Politics 29 (3), 179-208, 2017
Currency wars by other means? Exchange rates and GATT/WTO dispute initiation
MS Copelovitch, JC Pevehouse
University of Wisconsin Department of Political Science working paper …, 2011
Partisan technocrats: How leaders matter in international organizations
M Copelovitch, S Rickard
Global Studies Quarterly 1 (3), ksab021, 2021
Banks on the brink: Global capital, securities markets, and the political roots of financial crises
M Copelovitch, DA Singer
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Governing global markets: private debt and the politics of International Monetary Fund Lending
MS Copelovitch
Harvard University, 2005
Bridging the Silos: Trade and exchange rates in international political economy
M Copelovitch, JCW Pevehouse
Do we really know what we think we know about the politics of IMF lending? Measuring and reassessing us influence in global financial governance
M Copelovitch, R Powers
International Political Economy Society conference. At https://bit. ly/3JYxwRr, 2021
The Unipolar Fallacy: Common Agency, American Interests, and International Financial Institutions
M Copelovitch, D Nielson, R Powers, MJ Tierney
Working Paper, 2013
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