Matthew T. Billett
Matthew T. Billett
Professor of Finance, Indiana University
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Growth opportunities and the choice of leverage, debt maturity, and covenants
MT Billett, THD King, DC Mauer
the Journal of Finance 62 (2), 697-730, 2007
Are overconfident CEOs born or made? Evidence of self-attribution bias from frequent acquirers
MT Billett, Y Qian
Management Science 54 (6), 1037-1051, 2008
The effect of lender identity on a borrowing firm's equity return
MT Billett, MJ Flannery, JA Garfinkel
The Journal of Finance 50 (2), 699-718, 1995
Consumer-based brand equity and firm risk
LL Rego, MT Billett, NA Morgan
Journal of Marketing 73 (6), 47-60, 2009
Bondholder wealth effects in mergers and acquisitions: New evidence from the 1980s and 1990s
MT Billett, THD King, DC Mauer
The Journal of Finance 59 (1), 107-135, 2004
The cost of market versus regulatory discipline in banking
MT Billett, JA Garfinkel, ES O'Neal
Journal of Financial Economics 48 (3), 333-358, 1998
Cross-subsidies, external financing constraints, and the contribution of the internal capital market to firm value
MT Billett, DC Mauer
The Review of Financial Studies 16 (4), 1167-1201, 2003
The takeover deterrent effect of open market share repurchases
MT Billett, H Xue
The Journal of finance 62 (4), 1827-1850, 2007
Are bank loans special? Evidence on the post-announcement performance of bank borrowers
MT Billett, MJ Flannery, JA Garfinkel
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 41 (4), 733-751, 2006
The influence of governance on investment: Evidence from a hazard model
MT Billett, JA Garfinkel, Y Jiang
Journal of Financial Economics 102 (3), 643-670, 2011
Targeting capital structure: The relationship between risky debt and the firm's likelihood of being acquired
MT Billett
Journal of Business, 173-192, 1996
Diversification and the value of internal capital markets: The case of tracking stock
MT Billett, DC Mauer
Journal of Banking & Finance 24 (9), 1457-1490, 2000
The effect of asymmetric information on product market outcomes
MT Billett, JA Garfinkel, M Yu
Journal of Financial Economics 123 (2), 357-376, 2017
Stockholder and bondholder wealth effects of CEO incentive grants
MT Billett, DC Mauer, Y Zhang
Financial Management 39 (2), 463-487, 2010
Clarity begins at home: Internal information asymmetry and external communication quality
C Chen, X Martin, S Roychowdhury, X Wang, MT Billett
The Accounting Review 93 (1), 71-101, 2018
Financial flexibility and the cost of external finance for US bank holding companies
MT Billett, JA Garfinkel
Journal of money, Credit and banking, 827-852, 2004
The effect of change-in-control covenants on takeovers: Evidence from leveraged buyouts
MT Billett, Z Jiang, E Lie
Journal of Corporate Finance 16 (1), 1-15, 2010
Capital structure, asset structure and equity takeover premiums in cash tender offers
MT Billett, M Ryngaert
Journal of Corporate Finance 3 (2), 141-165, 1997
Frequent issuers’ influence on long-run post-issuance returns
MT Billett, MJ Flannery, JA Garfinkel
Journal of Financial Economics 99 (2), 349-364, 2011
Bank skin in the game and loan contract design: Evidence from covenant-lite loans
MT Billett, R Elkamhi, L Popov, RS Pungaliya
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 51 (3), 839-873, 2016
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