Ines Mouakher
Ines Mouakher
Assistant professor,University of Tunis El Manar
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Cited by
Component adaptation: Specification and verification
I Mouakher, A Lanoix, J Souquieres
11th International Workshop on Component Oriented Programming-WCOP 2006, 8, 2006
A causal semantics for UML2. 0 sequence diagrams with nested combined fragments
F Dhaou, I Mouakher, C Attiogbé, K Bsaies
12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software …, 2017
Event-based semantics of UML 2. X concurrent sequence diagrams for formal verification
I Mouakher, F Dhaou, JC Attiogbé
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 37 (1), 4-28, 2022
Extending causal semantics of UML2. 0 sequence diagram for distributed systems
F Dhaou, I Mouakher, C Attiogbé, K Bsaïes
2015 10th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT) 1 …, 2015
Refinement of UML2. 0 sequence diagrams for distributed systems
F Dhaou, I Mouakher, C Attiogbé, K Bsaïes
the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies {(ICSOFT} 2016), 2016
Protocol verification in a software component-based approach
I Mouakher, J Souquières, F Alexandre
15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of …, 2008
An Operational Semantics of UML2. X Sequence Diagrams for Distributed Systems
F Dhaou, I Mouakher, JC Attiogbé, K Bsaies
Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering: 12th International …, 2018
Diagnostic et correction d'erreurs de spécifications: application à l'assemblage de composants
I Mouakher, J Souquieres, F Alexandre
RTSI-L'Objet 14, 11--42, 2008
Case study for sequence diagram transformation in Event-B
I Mouakher
University of Tunis El Manar, 2021
Toward a Correct Implementation of LwM2M Client with Event-B.
I Mouakher, F Dhaou, JC Attiogbé
ICSOFT, 172-179, 2020
Guard Evaluation and Synchronization Issues in Causal Semantics for UML2. X Sequence Diagrams
F Dhaou, I Mouakher, JC Attiogbe, K Bsaïes
13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software …, 2018
Vérification et correction des spécifications B: application à l'assemblage de composants
IM Abdelmoula
Université Nancy II; Université de Tunis El-Manar, 2010
Raffinement B de systemes de transitions etiquetes
I Mouakher, F Alexandre
A Formal Approach to Component Adaptation with a Tool Support
I Mouakher, F Dhaou, S Alsaidi
2023 3rd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology …, 2023
Validating and verifying LwM2M clients with event-B
I Mouakher, F Dhaou, JC Attiogbé
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 16 (2), 75-91, 2023
用于形式化验证的基于事件的 UML 2. X 并发时序图语义
I Mouakher, F Dhaou, JC Attiogbé
计算机科学技术学报 37 (1), 4-28, 2022
Vérification et correction des spécifications B: application à l'assemblage de composants.(Verification and Correction of B Specification in a CBSE approach).
IM Abdelmoula
Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia, 2010
Protocol verification in a software component approach
I Mouakher, F Alexandre, J Souquières
Automatisation de l'application de l'hypothèse de récurrence dans la preuve des formules implicatives
I Mouakher, F Alexandre, K Bsaïes
Premières Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes-JFPC'2005 …, 2005
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Articles 1–19