Manoj Thomas
Manoj Thomas
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Penny wise and pound foolish: the left-digit effect in price cognition
M Thomas, V Morwitz
Journal of Consumer Research 32 (1), 54-64, 2005
How credit card payments increase unhealthy food purchases: Visceral regulation of vices
M Thomas, KK Desai, S Seenivasan
Journal of consumer research 38 (1), 126-139, 2011
The price precision effect: Evidence from laboratory and market data
M Thomas, DH Simon, V Kadiyali
Marketing Science 29 (1), 175-190, 2010
The ease-of-computation effect: The interplay of metacognitive experiences and naive theories in judgments of price differences
M Thomas, VG Morwitz
Journal of Marketing Research 46 (1), 81-91, 2009
Will I spend more in 12 months or a year? The effect of ease of estimation and confidence on budget estimates
G Ülkümen, M Thomas, VG Morwitz
Journal of Consumer Research 35 (2), 245-256, 2008
Psychological distance and subjective experience: How distancing reduces the feeling of difficulty
M Thomas, CI Tsai
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (2), 324-340, 2012
When internal reference prices and price expectations diverge: The role of confidence
M Thomas, G Menon
Journal of Marketing Research 44 (3), 401-409, 2007
Heuristics in numerical cognition: Implications for pricing
M Thomas, V Morwitz
Handbook of pricing research in marketing, 132-149, 2009
When does feeling of fluency matter? How abstract and concrete thinking influence fluency effects
CI Tsai, M Thomas
Psychological Science 22 (3), 348-354, 2011
The malleable morality of conspicuous consumption.
S Goenka, M Thomas
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 118 (3), 562, 2020
The role of numbers in the customer journey
S Santana, M Thomas, VG Morwitz
Journal of Retailing 96 (1), 138-154, 2020
Personal relevance and mental simulation amplify the duration framing effect
G Ülkümen, M Thomas
Journal of Marketing Research 50 (2), 194-206, 2013
Beyond posted prices: The past, present, and future of participative pricing mechanisms
M Spann, R Zeithammer, M Bertini, E Haruvy, SD Jap, O Koenigsberg, ...
Customer Needs and Solutions 5, 121-136, 2018
The left-digit bias: when and why are consumers penny wise and pound foolish?
T Sokolova, S Seenivasan, M Thomas
Journal of Marketing Research 57 (4), 771-788, 2020
Consumer substitution decisions: an integrative framework
RW Hamilton, DV Thompson, ZG Arens, SJ Blanchard, G Häubl, ...
Marketing Letters 25, 305-317, 2014
The effects of temporal distance on purchase construal
M Thomas, S Chandran, Y Trope
Unpublished manuscript, Cornell University, 2006
When is sensory consumption immoral?
S Goenka, M Thomas
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 125 (1), 198, 2023
When bigger is better (and when it is not): Implicit bias in numeric judgments
EJ Kyung, M Thomas, A Krishna
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (1), 62-79, 2016
The effects of information type and temporal distance on purchase intentions
M Thomas, S Chandran, Y Trope
Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, 2007
Why do cashless payments increase unhealthy consumption? The decision-risk inattention hypothesis
J Park, C Lee, M Thomas
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 6 (1), 21-32, 2021
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