Marcin Dabrowski
Marcin Dabrowski
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute
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MILAMIN: MATLAB‐based finite element method solver for large problems
M Dabrowski, M Krotkiewski, DW Schmid
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (4), 2008
Survival of LLSVPs for billions of years in a vigorously convecting mantle: Replenishment and destruction of chemical anomaly
E Mulyukova, B Steinberger, M Dabrowski, SV Sobolev
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (5), 3824-3847, 2015
Evolution of large amplitude 3D fold patterns: A FEM study
DW Schmid, M Dabrowski, M Krotkiewski
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 171 (1-4), 400-408, 2008
Parallel symmetric sparse matrix–vector product on scalar multi-core CPUs
M Krotkiewski, M Dabrowski
Parallel Computing 36 (4), 181-198, 2010
Zircon and quartz inclusions in garnet used for complementary Raman thermobarometry: application to the Holsnøy eclogite, Bergen Arcs, Western Norway
X Zhong, NH Andersen, M Dabrowski, B Jamtveit
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174, 1-17, 2019
Long term creep closure of salt cavities
JS Cornet, M Dabrowski, DW Schmid
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 103, 96-106, 2018
Efficient 3D stencil computations using CUDA
M Krotkiewski, M Dabrowski
Parallel Computing 39 (10), 533-548, 2013
A two‐phase composite in simple shear: Effective mechanical anisotropy development and localization potential
M Dabrowski, DW Schmid, YY Podladchikov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B8), 2012
Viscous relaxation of grain‐scale pressure variations
M Dabrowski, R Powell, Y Podladchikov
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 33 (8), 859-868, 2015
Domino boudinage under layer-parallel simple shear
M Dabrowski, B Grasemann
Journal of Structural Geology 68, 58-65, 2014
Long-term creep tests and viscoelastic constitutive modeling of lower Paleozoic shales from the Baltic Basin, N Poland
M Trzeciak, H Sone, M Dabrowski
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 112, 139-157, 2018
Monoclinic and triclinic 3D flanking structures around elliptical cracks
U Exner, M Dabrowski
Journal of Structural Geology 32 (12), 2009-2021, 2010
Sheath fold formation around slip surfaces
JE Reber, M Dabrowski, DW Schmid
Terra Nova 24 (5), 417-421, 2012
Sheath fold morphology in simple shear
JE Reber, M Dabrowski, O Galland, DW Schmid
Journal of Structural Geology 53, 15-26, 2013
An analytical benchmark with combined pressure and shear loading for elastoplastic numerical models
VM Yarushina, M Dabrowski, YY Podladchikov
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 11 (8), 2010
Fold geometry toolbox–Automated determination of fold shape, shortening, and material properties
M Adamuszek, DW Schmid, M Dabrowski
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (9), 1406-1416, 2011
Analytical solution for the stress field in elastic half-space with a spherical pressurized cavity or inclusion containing eigenstrain
X Zhong, M Dabrowski, B Jamtveit
Geophysical Journal International 216 (2), 1100-1115, 2019
Folder: A numerical tool to simulate the development of structures in layered media
M Adamuszek, M Dabrowski, DW Schmid
Journal of Structural Geology 84, 85-101, 2016
Shear heating in extensional detachments: Implications for the thermal history of the Devonian basins of W Norway
A Souche, S Medvedev, TB Andersen, M Dabrowski
Tectonophysics 608, 1073-1085, 2013
Analytical solution for residual stress and strain preserved in anisotropic inclusion entrapped in isotropic host
X Zhong, M Dabrowski, B Jamtveit
Solid Earth Discussions 2020, 1-33, 2020
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Articles 1–20