Jan Šik
Jan Šik
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Optical properties and phase change transition in Ge2Sb2Te5 flash evaporated thin films studied by temperature dependent spectroscopic ellipsometry
J Orava, T Wágner, J Šik, J Přikryl, M Frumar, L Beneš
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (4), 2008
Optical functions of silicon at high temperatures
J Šik, J Hora, J Humlı́ček
Journal of Applied Physics 84 (11), 6291-6298, 1998
Band-gap energies, free carrier effects, and phonon modes in strained GaNAs/GaAs and GaNAs/InAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J Šik, M Schubert, G Leibiger, V Gottschalch, G Wagner
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (1), 294-305, 2001
Nitrogen dependence of the GaAsN interband critical points and determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
G Leibiger, V Gottschalch, B Rheinländer, J Šik, M Schubert
Applied Physics Letters 77 (11), 1650-1652, 2000
Model dielectric function spectra of GaAsN for far-infrared and near-infrared to ultraviolet wavelengths
G Leibiger, V Gottschalch, B Rheinländer, J Šik, M Schubert
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (9), 4927-4938, 2001
Long-wavelength interface modes in semiconductor layer structures
M Schubert, T Hofmann, J Šik
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (3), 035324, 2005
Optical properties of As33S67− xSex bulk glasses studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J Orava, J Šik, T Wagner, M Frumar
Journal of Applied Physics 103 (8), 2008
Optical properties of thin films of poly (methyl–phenylsilylene)
K Navrátil, J Šik, J Humlı́ček, S Nešpůrek
Optical Materials 12 (1), 105-113, 1999
Near-band-gap optical functions spectra and band-gap energies of GaNAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J Šik, M Schubert, G Leibiger, V Gottschalch, G Kirpal, J Humlı́ček
Applied Physics Letters 76 (20), 2859-2861, 2000
Novel technologies for x-ray multi-foil optics
R Hudec, L Pina, A Inneman, L Sveda, V Semencova, M Skulinova, ...
Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy II 5900, 276-287, 2005
Defect engineering during Czochralski crystal growth and silicon wafer manufacturing
L Válek, J Śik
Modern Aspects of Bulk and Thin Film Preparation. InTech: Rijeka, 43-70, 2012
Advanced x-ray optics with Si wafers and slumped glass
R Hudec, V Marsikova, M Mika, J Sik, M Lorenc, L Pina, A Inneman, ...
Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy IV 7437, 269-280, 2009
X-ray diffuse scattering from defects in nitrogen-doped Czochralski grown silicon wafers
P Klang, V Holý, J Kuběna, R Štoudek, J Šik
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (10A), A105, 2005
OISF pattern and grown-in precipitates in heavily boron doped silicon
L Válek, D Lysáček, J Šik
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (10), H904, 2007
Phonons and free carriers in strained hexagonal GaN/AlGaN superlattices measured by infrared ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy
M Schubert, A Kasic, J Šik, S Einfeldt, D Hommel, V Härle, J Off, F Scholz
Materials Science and Engineering: B 82 (1-3), 178-181, 2001
Optical functions of silicon from reflectance and ellipsometry on silicon-on-insulator and homoepitaxial samples
J Humlíček, J Šik
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (19), 2015
Recent progress with x-ray optics based on Si wafers and glass foils
R Hudec, J Sik, M Lorenc, L Pina, V Semencova, M Mika, A Inneman, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 7011 …, 2008
Novel x-ray optics with Si wafers and formed glass
R Hudec, L Pina, V Semencova, A Inneman, M Skulinova, L Sveda, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 6266, 430-441, 2006
Free-carrier effects and optical phonons in GaNAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
J Šik, M Schubert, T Hofmann, V Gottschalch
Materials Research Society Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor …, 2000
Analysis of strain and dislocation evolution during MOCVD growth of an AlGaN/GaN power high-electron-mobility transistor structure
M Rudinsky, E Yakovlev, R Talalaev, T Novak, P Kostelnik, J Sik
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58 (SC), SCCD26, 2019
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