Laurent Bernhard
Laurent Bernhard
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Key factors in frame building: How strategic political actors shape news media coverage
R Hänggli
American Behavioral Scientist 56 (3), 300-317, 2012
The appeal of populist ideas, strategies and styles: A theoretical model and research design for analyzing populist political communication
W Wirth, F Esser, M Wettstein, S Engesser, D Wirz, A Schulz, N Ernst, ...
National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR): Challenges to Democracy in …, 2016
The context of the campaigns
H Kriesi, L Bernhard
Political Communication in Direct Democratic Campaigns: Enlightening or …, 2011
Populism in election times: a comparative analysis of 11 countries in Western Europe
L Bernhard, H Kriesi
Varieties of populism in times of crisis, 48-68, 2021
Campaign strategy in direct democracy
L Bernhard
Springer, 2012
The populist discourse of the Swiss People's Party
L Bernhard, H Kriesi, E Weber
The politics of campaigning–dimensions of strategic action
H Kriesi, L Bernhard, R Hänggli
Politik in der Mediendemokratie, 345-365, 2009
Three faces of populism in current Switzerland: Comparing the populist communication of the Swiss people's party, the Ticino League, and the Geneva Citizens’ movement
L Bernhard
Swiss Political Science Review 23 (4), 509-525, 2017
Who holds populist attitudes? Evidence from Switzerland
L Bernhard, R Hänggli
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (4), 510-524, 2018
Coping with the asylum challenge: tightening and streamlining policies in Western Europe
L Bernhard, D Kaufmann
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (15), 2506-2523, 2018
The charm of salient issues? Parties’ strategic behavior in press releases
C Dalmus, R Hänggli, L Bernhard
How political actors use the media: A functional analysis of the media’s …, 2017
Do they make a difference?: The policy influence of radical right populist parties in Western Europe
B Biard, L Bernhard, HG Betz
ECPR Press, 2019
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2019. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
A Tresch, L Lauener, L Bernhard, G Lutz, L Scaperrotta
Lausanne: Selects-FORS. https://forscenter. ch/selects_reports/slc-2020-00001, 2020
The 2019 Swiss federal elections: the rise of the green tide
L Bernhard
West European Politics 43 (6), 1339-1349, 2020
Revisiting the inclusion-moderation thesis on radical right populism: Does party leadership matter?
L Bernhard
Politics and Governance 8 (1), 206-216, 2020
The 2015 Swiss federal elections: The radical right strikes back
L Bernhard
West European Politics 39 (4), 879-889, 2016
Die Referendumsdemokratie
H Kriesi, L Bernhard
Abstimmungskampagnen: Politikvermittlung in der Referendumsdemokratie, 3-18, 2014
Fact-checking direct democracy: When journalists set out to correct misinformation
L Bernhard
Misinformation in Referenda, 77-90, 2020
Using prediction market data for measuring the expected closeness in electoral research
O Strijbis, S Arnesen, L Bernhard
Electoral Studies 44, 144-150, 2016
Direkte Demokratie wagen? Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Chancen und Gefahren
L Bernhard
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 25 (4), 47-54, 2012
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Artikel 1–20