Bhupendra Singh
Bhupendra Singh
Department of Statistics, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
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Load-sharing system model and its application to the real data set
B Singh, PK Gupta
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (9), 1615-1629, 2012
Parameter estimation of Lindley distribution with hybrid censored data
PK Gupta, B Singh
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 4, 378-385, 2013
A classical and Bayesian estimation of a k-components load-sharing parallel system
B Singh, KK Sharma, A Kumar
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (12), 5175-5185, 2008
An Additive Perks–Weibull Model with Bathtub-Shaped Hazard Rate Function
B Singh
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2016
A generalized log-normal distribution and its goodness of fit to censored data
B Singh, KK Sharma, S Rathi, G Singh
Computational Statistics 27, 51-67, 2012
The Beta Inverted Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications
B Singh, R Goel
International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics 2 (5), 2394-2894, 2015
Analyzing the dynamic system model with discrete failure time distribution
B Singh, KK Sharma, A Kumar
Statistical Methods and Applications 18 (4), 521-542, 2009
Bayes estimation of the mixture of hazard-rate model
KK Sharma, H Krishna, B Singh
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 55 (1), 9-13, 1997
A new discrete distribution: Theory and applications to discrete failure lifetime and count data
A Tyagi, N Choudhary, B Singh
J. Appl. Probab. Statist 15, 117-143, 2020
Discrete additive Perks–Weibull distribution: properties and applications
NCBS Abhishek Tyagi
Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, 2019
The exponentiated Perks distribution
B Singh, N Choudhary
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 8, 468-478, 2017
Inferential statistics on the dynamic system model with time-dependent failure-rate
B Singh, S Rathi, S Kumar
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 83 (1), 1-24, 2013
On type-II hybrid censored Lindley distribution
B Singh, PK Gupta, VK Sharma
Statistics Research Letters 3, 58-62, 2014
A Discrete Analogue of Teissier Distribution: Properties and Classical Estimation with Application to Count Data
AT Bhupendra Singh, Varun Agiwal, Amit Singh Nayal
Reliability: Theory & Applications 17 (1(67)), 340-355, 2022
Discrete Inverted Nadarajah-Haghighi Distribution: Properties and Classical Estimation with Application to Complete and Censored data
ASNAT Bhupendra Singh, Ravindra Pratap Singh
Statistics Optimization & Information Computing 4 (10), 1293-1313, 2022
Estimation of R=P[Y<X<Z] under Progressive Type-II Censored Data from Weibull Distribution
ATBS Neha Choudhary
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 42 (2), 318–335, 2021
Parameter Estimation of Power Lindley Distribution under Hybrid Censoring
B Singh, PK Gupta, VK Sharma
Journal of Statistics Applications and Probability Letters 1 (3), 95-104, 2014
Estimation of P(Y < X) for modified Weibull distribution under progressive Type-II censoring
R Goel, B Singh
Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering 9, 227-240, 2020
MCMC estimation of Multi-Component Load-Sharing System Model and its application
BSR Goel
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 43 (2 …, 2019
Reliability Estimation of Modified Weibull Distribution with Type-II Hybrid Censored Data
B Singh, R Goel
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 1-13, 2016
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Articles 1–20