Thomas Gschwend
Cited by
Cited by
Ticket‐splitting and strategic voting under mixed electoral rules: Evidence from Germany
T Gschwend
European Journal of Political Research 46 (1), 1-23, 2007
Individualised constituency campaigns in mixed-member electoral systems: Candidates in the 2005 German elections
T Zittel, T Gschwend
West European Politics 31 (5), 978-1003, 2008
Research design in political science: how to practice what they preach
T Gschwend, F Schimmelfennig
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Zur statistischen Analyse von Vollerhebungen
A Broscheid, T Gschwend
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 46 (1), O16-O26, 2005
Strategic coalition voting: Evidence from Austria
MF Meffert, T Gschwend
Electoral Studies 29 (3), 339-349, 2010
Polls, coalition signals and strategic voting: An experimental investigation of perceptions and effects
MF Meffert, T Gschwend
European Journal of Political Research 50 (5), 636-667, 2011
Split-ticket patterns in mixed-member proportional election systems: Estimates and analyses of their spatial variation at the German federal election, 1998
T Gschwend, R Johnston, C Pattie
British Journal of Political Science 33 (1), 109-127, 2003
More than wishful thinking: Causes and consequences of voters’ electoral expectations about parties and coalitions
MF Meffert, S Huber, T Gschwend, FU Pappi
Electoral Studies 30 (4), 804-815, 2011
Forschungsdesign in der Politikwissenschaft: Probleme-Strategien-Anwendungen
T Gschwend, F Schimmelfennig
Campus Verlag, 2007
A common left-right scale for voters and parties in Europe
J Lo, SO Proksch, T Gschwend
Political Analysis 22 (2), 205-223, 2014
Should I stay or should I go? An experimental study on voter responses to pre‐electoral coalitions
T Gschwend, M Hooghe
European Journal of Political Research 47 (5), 556-577, 2008
It Is Not Only What You Say, It Is Also How You Say It: The Strategic Use of Campaign Sentiment
C Crabtree, M Golder, T Gschwend, IH Indriđason
Journal of Politics 82 (3), 1044-1060, 2020
Do constituency candidates matter in German Federal Elections? The personal vote as an interactive process
T Gschwend, T Zittel
Electoral Studies 39, 338-349, 2015
Strategic Voting in Mixed Electoral Systems
T Gschwend
PhD Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2001
Multi-level electoral politics: Beyond the second-order election model
SN Golder, I Lago, A Blais, E Gidengil, T Gschwend
Oxford University Press, 2017
Issues, party and character: The moderating role of ideological thinking on candidate evaluation
H Lavine, T Gschwend
British Journal of Political Science 37 (1), 139-163, 2007
The chancellor model: Forecasting German elections
H Norpoth, T Gschwend
International Journal of Forecasting 26 (1), 42-53, 2010
Methoden der Politikwissenschaft: Neuere qualitative und quantitative Analyseverfahren
J Behnke, T Gschwend, D Schindler, KU Schnapp
Nomos, 2006
Individualisierte Wahlkämpfe im Wahlkreis. Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Bundestagswahlkampfes von 2005
T Zittel, T Gschwend
Politische Vierteljahresschrift 48 (2), 293-321, 2007
Analyzing quota sample data and the peer-review process
T Gschwend
French Politics 3, 88-91, 2005
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Articles 1–20