Blerim Cici
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Microcast: Cooperative video streaming on smartphones
L Keller, A Le, B Cici, H Seferoglu, C Fragouli, A Markopoulou
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems …, 2012
Assessing the potential of ride-sharing using mobile and social data: a tale of four cities
B Cici, A Markopoulou, E Frias-Martinez, N Laoutaris
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
On the decomposition of cell phone activity patterns and their connection with urban ecology
B Cici, M Gjoka, A Markopoulou, CT Butts
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking …, 2015
Cooperative video streaming on smartphones
H Seferoglu, L Keller, B Cici, A Le, A Markopoulou
2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2011
Designing an on-line ride-sharing system
B Cici, A Markopoulou, N Laoutaris
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL international conference on advances in …, 2015
Quantifying the potential of ride-sharing using call description records
B Cici, A Markopoulou, E Frías-Martínez, N Laoutaris
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and …, 2013
System and method for cooperative data streaming
L Keller, MTA Le, B Cici, H Seferoglu, A Markopoulou, C Fragouli
US Patent App. 13/841,500, 2013
Design and evaluation of a socket emulator for publish/subscribe networks
G Xylomenos, B Cici
Future Internet-FIS 2010: Third Future Internet Symposium, Berlin, Germany …, 2010
SORS: a scalable online ridesharing system
B Cici, A Markopoulou, N Laoutaris
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on …, 2016
Cell-to-Cell Activity Prediction for Smart Cities
B Cici, E Alimpertis, A Ihler, A Markopoulou
Smart Cities and Urban Computing (SmartCity 2016), 2016
Assessing the potential of ride-sharing using mobile and social data
B Cici, A Markopoulou, E Frías-Martínez, N Laoutaris
arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.3876, 2013
Mobile Data Analysis For Smart City Applications
B Cici
University of California, Irvine, 2016
Demo: Microcast: cooperative video streaming on smartphones
L Keller, A Le, B Cici, H Seferoglu, C Fragouli, A Markopoulou
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems …, 0
System and method for cooperative data streaming
L Keller, AMT Le, B Cici, H Seferoglu, A Markopoulou, C Fragouli
Quantifying the potential of ride-sharing using Call Description Records (CDRs)
B Cici, A Markopoulou, E Frías-Martínez, N Laoutaris
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