Brice Bathellier
Brice Bathellier
Institut de l'Audition - Institut Pasteur - CNRS
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Dynamic ensemble odor coding in the mammalian olfactory bulb: sensory information at different timescales
B Bathellier, DL Buhl, R Accolla, A Carleton
Neuron 57 (4), 586-598, 2008
Discrete neocortical dynamics predict behavioral categorization of sounds
B Bathellier, L Ushakova, S Rumpel
Neuron 76 (2), 435-449, 2012
Differential spatial representation of taste modalities in the rat gustatory cortex
R Accolla, B Bathellier, CCH Petersen, A Carleton
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (6), 1396-1404, 2007
Circuit properties generating gamma oscillations in a network model of the olfactory bulb
B Bathellier, S Lagier, P Faure, PM Lledo
Journal of neurophysiology 95 (4), 2678-2691, 2006
Dynamics of dendritic spines in the mouse auditory cortex during memory formation and memory recall
KE Moczulska, J Tinter-Thiede, M Peter, L Ushakova, T Wernle, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (45), 18315-18320, 2013
GABAergic inhibition at dendrodendritic synapses tunes γ oscillations in the olfactory bulb
S Lagier, P Panzanelli, RE Russo, A Nissant, B Bathellier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (17), 7259-7264, 2007
Odor identity coding by distributed ensembles of neurons in the mouse olfactory cortex
B Roland, T Deneux, KM Franks, B Bathellier, A Fleischmann
Elife 6, e26337, 2017
Targeted cortical manipulation of auditory perception
S Ceballo, Z Piwkowska, J Bourg, A Daret, B Bathellier
Neuron 104 (6), 1168-1179. e5, 2019
Viscosity-mediated motion coupling between pairs of trichobothria on the leg of the spider Cupiennius salei
B Bathellier, FG Barth, JT Albert, JAC Humphrey
Journal of comparative physiology A 191, 733-746, 2005
Cortical correlates of low-level perception: from neural circuits to percepts
Y Frégnac, B Bathellier
Neuron 88 (1), 110-126, 2015
Context-dependent signaling of coincident auditory and visual events in primary visual cortex
T Deneux, ER Harrell, A Kempf, S Ceballo, A Filipchuk, B Bathellier
Elife 8, e44006, 2019
Temporal asymmetries in auditory coding and perception reflect multi-layered nonlinearities
T Deneux, A Kempf, A Daret, E Ponsot, B Bathellier
Nature communications 7 (1), 12682, 2016
Properties of piriform cortex pyramidal cell dendrites: implications for olfactory circuit design
B Bathellier, TW Margrie, ME Larkum
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (40), 12641-12652, 2009
Neural encoding of sensory and behavioral complexity in the auditory cortex
K Kuchibhotla, B Bathellier
Current opinion in neurobiology 52, 65-71, 2018
Air motion sensing hairs of arthropods detect high frequencies at near-maximal mechanical efficiency
B Bathellier, T Steinmann, FG Barth, J Casas
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (71), 1131-1143, 2012
A multiplicative reinforcement learning model capturing learning dynamics and interindividual variability in mice
B Bathellier, SP Tee, C Hrovat, S Rumpel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (49), 19950-19955, 2013
Wavelet-based multi-resolution statistics for optical imaging signals: application to automated detection of odour activated glomeruli in the mouse olfactory bulb
B Bathellier, D Van De Ville, T Blu, M Unser, A Carleton
Neuroimage 34 (3), 1020-1035, 2007
Spike-timing prediction in cortical neurons with active dendrites
R Naud, B Bathellier, W Gerstner
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8, 90, 2014
Gamma oscillations in a nonlinear regime: a minimal model approach using heterogeneous integrate-and-fire networks
B Bathellier, A Carleton, W Gerstner
Neural computation 20 (12), 2973-3002, 2008
Awake perception is associated with dedicated neuronal assemblies in the cerebral cortex
A Filipchuk, J Schwenkgrub, A Destexhe, B Bathellier
Nature Neuroscience 25 (10), 1327-1338, 2022
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Articles 1–20