Julien Roux
Julien Roux
Departement of Biomedecine, University of Basel
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Methylation QTLs Are Associated with Coordinated Changes in Transcription Factor Binding, Histone Modifications, and Gene Expression Levels
NE Banovich, X Lan, G McVicker, B Van de Geijn, JF Degner, JD Blischak, ...
PLOS Genetics 10 (9), e1004663, 2014
Social insect genomes exhibit dramatic evolution in gene composition and regulation while preserving regulatory features linked to sociality
DF Simola, L Wissler, G Donahue, RM Waterhouse, M Helmkampf, ...
Genome research 23 (8), 1235-1247, 2013
Bgee: integrating and comparing heterogeneous transcriptome data among species
F Bastian, G Parmentier, J Roux, S Moretti, V Laudet, ...
Data Integration in the Life Sciences, 124-131, 2008
The Bgee suite: integrated curated expression atlas and comparative transcriptomics in animals
FB Bastian, J Roux, A Niknejad, A Comte, SS Fonseca Costa, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 49 (D1), D831-D847, 2021
Patterns of positive selection in seven ant genomes
J Roux, E Privman, S Moretti, JT Daub, M Robinson-Rechavi, L Keller
Molecular biology and evolution 31 (7), 1661-1685, 2014
Developmental constraints on vertebrate genome evolution
J Roux, M Robinson-Rechavi
PLoS genetics 4 (12), e1000311, 2008
The genomic impact of 100 million years of social evolution in seven ant species
J Gadau, M Helmkampf, S Nygaard, J Roux, DF Simola, CR Smith, ...
Trends in Genetics, 2011
A comparison of gene expression and DNA methylation patterns across tissues and species
LE Blake, J Roux, I Hernando-Herraez, N Banovich, RG Perez, CJ Hsiao, ...
Genome Research, gr. 254904.119, 2020
miR-221-3p drives the shift of M2-macrophages to a pro-inflammatory function by suppressing JAK3/STAT3 activation
L Quero, AN Tiaden, E Hanser, J Roux, A Laski, J Hall, D Kyburz
Frontiers in immunology, 3087, 2020
Long-lived T follicular helper cells retain plasticity and help sustain humoral immunity
M Künzli, D Schreiner, TC Pereboom, N Swarnalekha, LC Litzler, ...
Science Immunology 5 (45), eaay5552, 2020
What to compare and how: Comparative transcriptomics for Evo‐Devo
J Roux, M Rosikiewicz, M Robinson‐Rechavi
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2015
Evaluation of tools for long read RNA-seq splice-aware alignment
K Križanović, A Echchiki, J Roux, M Šikić
Bioinformatics, 2017
Age-dependent gain of alternative splice forms and biased duplication explain the relation between splicing and duplication
J Roux, M Robinson-Rechavi
Genome Research 21 (3), 357-363, 2011
A Comparative Assessment of Human and Chimpanzee iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes with Primary Heart Tissues
BJ Pavlovic, LE Blake, J Roux, C Chavarria, Y Gilad
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 15312, 2018
Comparative analysis of human and mouse expression data illuminates tissue-specific evolutionary patterns of miRNAs
J Roux, M Gonzàlez-Porta, M Robinson-Rechavi
Nucleic Acids Research 40 (13), 5890-5900, 2012
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics’ resources: focus on curated databases
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D27-D37, 2015
Molecular signaling in zebrafish development and the vertebrate phylotypic period
A Comte, J Roux, M Robinson‐Rechavi
Evolution & development 12 (2), 144-156, 2010
Selective constraints on coding sequences of nervous system genes are a major determinant of duplicate gene retention in vertebrates
J Roux, J Liu, M Robinson-Rechavi
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (11), 2773-2791, 2017
Targeting the Siglec–sialic acid axis promotes antitumor immune responses in preclinical models of glioblastoma
P Schmassmann, J Roux, A Buck, N Tatari, S Hogan, J Wang, ...
Science Translational Medicine 15 (705), eadf5302, 2023
Deletion of SNX9 alleviates CD8 T cell exhaustion for effective cellular cancer immunotherapy
MP Trefny, N Kirchhammer, P Auf der Maur, M Natoli, D Schmid, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 86, 2023
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