Aart Franken
Cited by
Cited by
Explaining Adolescents’ Delinquency and Substance Use A Test of the Maturity Gap: The SNARE study
JK Dijkstra, T Kretschmer, K Pattiselanno, A Franken, Z Harakeh, ...
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 52 (5), 747-767, 2015
The role of self-control and early adolescents’ friendships in the development of externalizing behavior: The SNARE study
A Franken, TE Moffitt, CEG Steglich, JK Dijkstra, Z Harakeh, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 45, 1800-1811, 2016
Music Preferences, Friendship, and Externalizing Behavior in Early Adolescence: A SIENA Examination of the Music Marker Theory Using the SNARE Study
A Franken, L Keijsers, JK Dijkstra, T ter Bogt
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-12, 2017
Using Response Surface Analysis to Interpret the Impact of Parent–Offspring Personality Similarity on Adolescent Externalizing Problems
A Franken, OM Laceulle, MAG Van Aken, J Ormel
European Journal of Personality 31 (1), 104-117, 2017
Early adolescent friendship selection based on externalizing behavior: The moderating role of pubertal development. The SNARE study
A Franken, MJ Prinstein, JK Dijkstra, CEG Steglich, Z Harakeh, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 44, 1647-1657, 2016
Social status of adolescents with an early onset of externalizing behavior: the SNARE study
A Franken, Z Harakeh, R Veenstra, W Vollebergh, JK Dijkstra
The Journal of Early Adolescence 37 (8), 1037-1053, 2017
Associations between risk behaviour and social status in European adolescents
MLF Agan, AS Costin, MHF Deutz, PA Edelsbrunner, L Záliš, A Franken
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 12 (2), 189-203, 2015
Risicogedrag van jongeren
A Franken, JK Dijkstra, Z Harakeh, W Vollebergh
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 62 (2-3), 2020
Populariteit, maar niet geliefdheid, is gerelateerd aan risicogedrag van Nederlandse adolescenten
N Broek, MHF Deutz, A Franken, AHN Cillessen
Implementing an integrated family approach in mental health care for families experiencing complex and multiple problems: a case example in Amsterdam
AH Zegwaard, FJ Koop, N Beuk, CW Broeks, RL Van, C Konijn, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 15, 1409216, 2024
Specialisaties in Landelijke Specialistische Voorzieningen: Een literatuuronderzoek
A Franken, G Van den Berg, L Kerkhof, M Assink
Den HaagWODC, 2018
Aanpak pesten: Wat Werkt?
A Franken
Themadossier Wat Werkt, 1-19, 2018
First steps to misbehaving: The co-development of early adolescent friendship and externalizing behavior
A Franken
Utrecht University, 2016
De Rol van Cohesie in Vriendengroepen voor Delinquentie van Adolescenten
K Pattiselanno, JK Dijkstra, C Steglich, A Franken, W Vollebergh, ...
NVC Congres 2014 (Nederlandse vereniging voor Criminologie), 2014
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Articles 1–14