Jasmin Joecks
Jasmin Joecks
University of Tuebingen, Kalaidos Fachhochschule
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Gender diversity in the boardroom and firm performance: What exactly constitutes a “critical mass?”
J Joecks, K Pull, K Vetter
Journal of business ethics 118, 61-72, 2013
Childbearing and (female) research productivity: A personnel economics perspective on the leaky pipeline
J Joecks, K Pull, U Backes-Gellner
Journal of Business Economics 84, 517-530, 2014
Perceived roles of women directors on supervisory boards: Insights from a qualitative study
J Joecks, K Pull, K Scharfenkamp
German Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (1), 5-31, 2019
Gender spillovers from supervisory boards to management boards
V Bozhinov, J Joecks, K Scharfenkamp
Managerial and Decision Economics 42 (5), 1317-1331, 2021
Women directors, board attendance, and corporate financial performance
J Joecks, K Pull, K Scharfenkamp
Corporate Governance: An International Review 32 (2), 205-227, 2024
Is the push by female employees for family-friendly practices context-dependent? Comparative evidence from Sweden, Poland and Germany
J Joecks, A Kurowska, K Pull
Journal of Business Research 126, 153-161, 2021
Women directors and firm innovation: The role of women directors' representative function
J Joecks, K Pull, K Scharfenkamp
Managerial and Decision Economics 44 (2), 1203-1214, 2023
The provision of work–life balance practices across welfare states and industries and their impact on extraordinary turnover
J Joecks
Social Policy & Administration 55 (7), 1325-1340, 2021
How to Get Women on Board (s)? The Role of a Company's Female Friendly Culture.
J Joecks
Journal of Managerial Issues 32 (3), 2020
Women Directors' Roles on Corporate Boards: Insights from a Qualitative Study
J Joecks, K Pull, K Scharfenkamp
Available at SSRN 2962947, 2017
Childbearing and research productivity-a personnel economics perspective on the leaky pipeline
J Joecks, K Pull, U Backes-Gellner
UZH Business Working Paper 333, 2013
Women on Boards and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass”?
J Joecks, K Pull, K Vetter
Available at SSRN 2009234, 2012
Gender Spillovers from Supervisory Boards on Management Boards_2
K Scharfenkamp, J Joecks, V Bozhinov
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 14827, 2019
Board Faultlines and Firm Innovativeness: The bridging role of women directors
J Joecks, K Pull, K Scharfenkamp
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 14715, 2019
Teilen macht froh-Topsharing: Chancen und Herausforderungen von geteilter Führung.
S Grimm, J Joecks, T Mütsch
Personalführung 2024 (5), 58-64, 2024
Lesbian Leaders-Surfing the Rainbow to the Top
J Joecks, T Reimer, G Tamm, V Bernauer
Autonomes Fahren: Von Männern bevorzugt?
J Joecks, E Muratovic
Organisator 5 (6), 2023
Building the rainbow bridge: Diverse methodologies to address LGBTQ+ inequalities in organization
J Joecks, V Bernauer, G Tamm, T Reimer
Gender-stereotyping attitudes of managers and quitting among managers and employees.
J Joecks, N Smith
Informal Childcare Vs. Formal Childcare and Its Impact on Maternal Employment in Germany and Poland
J Joecks, A Kurowska, K Pull
IV ISA Forum of Sociology (February 23-28, 2021), 2021
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