Carmen Tanner
Carmen Tanner
University of Zurich & Zeppelin University
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Promoting sustainable consumption: Determinants of green purchases by Swiss consumers
C Tanner, S Wölfing Kast
Psychology & Marketing 20 (10), 883-902, 2003
Constraints on environmental behaviour
C Tanner
Journal of environmental psychology 19 (2), 145-157, 1999
Preferences for truthfulness: Heterogeneity among and within individuals
R Gibson, C Tanner, AF Wagner
American Economic Review 103 (1), 532-548, 2013
Risky choice framing: Task versions and a comparison of prospect theory and fuzzy‐trace theory
A Kühberger, C Tanner
Journal of behavioral decision making 23 (3), 314-329, 2010
Influence of deontological versus consequentialist orientations on act choices and framing effects: When principles are more important than consequences
C Tanner, DL Medin, R Iliev
European Journal of Social Psychology 38 (5), 757-769, 2008
Taboos and conflicts in decision making: Sacred values, decision difficulty, and emotions
M Hanselmann, C Tanner
Judgment and Decision making 3 (1), 51-63, 2008
Protected values: No omission bias and no framing effects
C Tanner, DL Medin
Psychonomic bulletin & review 11 (1), 185-191, 2004
Contextual conditions of ecological consumerism: A food-purchasing survey
C Tanner, FG Kaiser, S WÖfing Kast
Environment and Behavior 36 (1), 94-111, 2004
Actions speak louder than words: The benefits of ethical behaviors of leaders.
C Tanner, A Brügger, S van Schie, C Lebherz
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology 218 (4), 225, 2010
Moral intelligence–A framework for understanding moral competences
C Tanner, M Christen
Empirically informed ethics: Morality between facts and norms, 119-136, 2014
How “moral” are the principles of biomedical ethics?–a cross-domain evaluation of the common morality hypothesis
M Christen, C Ineichen, C Tanner
BMC medical ethics 15, 1-12, 2014
Environmental risk perception
G Böhm, C Tanner
Environmental psychology: An introduction, 13-25, 2018
Umweltwahrnehmung, Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten
C Tanner, K Foppa
Umweltsoziologie. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie …, 1996
Geschützte Werte Skala (GWS) Konstruktion und Validierung eines Messinstrumentes
C Tanner, B Ryf, M Hanselmann
Diagnostica 55 (3), 174-183, 2009
Training moral sensitivity through video games: A review of suitable game mechanisms
J Katsarov, M Christen, R Mauerhofer, D Schmocker, C Tanner
Games and Culture 14 (4), 344-366, 2019
Prefrontal connections express individual differences in intrinsic resistance to trading off honesty values against economic benefits
A Dogan, Y Morishima, F Heise, C Tanner, R Gibson, AF Wagner, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 33263, 2016
Die ipsative Handlungstheorie: Eine alternative Sichtweise ökologischen Handelns
C Tanner
Umweltpsychologie 2 (1), 34-44, 1998
Empirically informed ethics: Morality between facts and norms
C Van Schaik, J Fischer, M Huppenbauer, C Tanner
Springer, 2014
Sacred values: Trade-off type matters.
C Duc, M Hanselmann, P Boesiger, C Tanner
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 6 (4), 252, 2013
To act or not to act: Nonconsequentialism in environmental decision-making
C Tanner
Ethics & Behavior 19 (6), 479-495, 2009
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