Guy Bodenmann
Guy Bodenmann
Professor of Clinical Psychology; University of Zurich
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Dyadic Coping and Its Significance for Marital Functioning
G Bodenmann
American Psychological Association, 2005
Intranasal oxytocin increases positive communication and reduces cortisol levels during couple conflict
B Ditzen, M Schaer, B Gabriel, G Bodenmann, U Ehlert, M Heinrichs
Biological psychiatry 65 (9), 728-731, 2009
The role of stress on close relationships and marital satisfaction
AK Randall, G Bodenmann
Clinical psychology review 29 (2), 105-115, 2009
Dyadic coping-a systematic-transactional view of stress and coping among couples: Theory and empirical findings
G Bodenmann
European Review of Applied Psychology 47, 137-140, 1997
A systemic-transactional conceptualization of stress and coping in couples.
G Bodenmann
Swiss Journal of Psychology/Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Revue …, 1995
Effects of different kinds of couple interaction on cortisol and heart rate responses to stress in women
B Ditzen, ID Neumann, G Bodenmann, B Von Dawans, RA Turner, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 32 (5), 565-574, 2007
Stress und coping bei paaren
G Bodenmann
Hogrefe, 2000
Dyadic coping and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis
MK Falconier, JB Jackson, P Hilpert, G Bodenmann
Clinical psychology review 42, 28-46, 2015
The relationship between dyadic coping and marital quality: a 2-year longitudinal study.
G Bodenmann, S Pihet, K Kayser
Journal of Family Psychology 20 (3), 485, 2006
Stress, sex, and satisfaction in marriage
G Bodenmann, T Ledermann, TN Bradbury
Personal relationships 14 (4), 551-569, 2007
The Couples Coping Enhancement Training (CCET): A new approach to prevention of marital distress based upon stress and coping*
G Bodenmann, SD Shantinath
Family relations 53 (5), 477-484, 2004
Dyadic coping and relationship functioning in couples coping with cancer: a systematic review
MJ Traa, J De Vries, G Bodenmann, BL Den Oudsten
British journal of health psychology 20 (1), 85-114, 2015
Couples coping with stress: Emerging perspectives on dyadic coping.
TA Revenson, KE Kayser, GE Bodenmann
American Psychological Association, 2005
DCI: Dyadisches Coping Inventar
G Bodenmann
Verlag Hans Huber, 2008
Stress, communication, and marital quality in couples
T Ledermann, G Bodenmann, M Rudaz, TN Bradbury
Family Relations 59 (2), 195-206, 2010
Stress and its associations with relationship satisfaction
AK Randall, G Bodenmann
Current opinion in psychology 13, 96-106, 2017
Stress and coping among stable-satisfied, stable-distressed and separated/divorced Swiss couples: A 5-year prospective longitudinal study
G Bodenmann, A Cina
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 44 (1-2), 71-89, 2006
Two conceptualizations of dyadic coping and their potential for predicting relationship quality and individual well-being
G Bodenmann, N Meuwly, K Kayser
European Psychologist, 2011
The efficacy of the Triple P-Positive Parenting Program in improving parenting and child behavior: a comparison with two other treatment conditions
G Bodenmann, A Cina, T Ledermann, MR Sanders
Behaviour research and therapy 46 (4), 411-427, 2008
Stress from daily hassles in couples: Its effects on intradyadic stress, relationship satisfaction, and physical and psychological well‐being
MK Falconier, F Nussbeck, G Bodenmann, H Schneider, T Bradbury
Journal of marital and family therapy 41 (2), 221-235, 2015
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