Valsamis Ntouskos
Cited by
Cited by
Bayesian image based 3d pose estimation
M Sanzari, V Ntouskos, F Pirri
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
Deployment of ground and aerial robots in earthquake-struck amatrice in italy (brief report)
I Kruijff-Korbayová, L Freda, M Gianni, V Ntouskos, V Hlaváč, V Kubelka, ...
2016 IEEE international symposium on safety, security, and rescue robotics …, 2016
Automatic calibration of digital cameras using planar chess-board patterns
V Douskos, I Kalisperakis, G Karras
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Optical, 9-12, 2007
Vision based modeling of plants phenotyping in vertical farming under artificial lighting
B Franchetti, V Ntouskos, P Giuliani, T Herman, L Barnes, F Pirri
Sensors 19 (20), 4378, 2019
Fully automatic camera calibration using regular planar patterns
V Douskos, I Kalisperakis, G Karras, E Petsa
Int. Arch. Photogram. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci 37, 21-26, 2008
FAUCCAL: An open source toolbox for fully automatic camera calibration
V Douskos, L Grammatikopoulos, I Kalisperakis, G Karras, E Petsa
XXII CIPA Symposium on Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation …, 2009
Component-wise modeling of articulated objects
V Ntouskos, M Sanzari, B Cafaro, F Nardi, F Natola, F Pirri, M Ruiz
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2327-2335, 2015
Discovery and recognition of motion primitives in human activities
M Sanzari, V Ntouskos, F Pirri
PloS one 14 (4), e0214499, 2019
Saliency prediction in the coherence theory of attention
V Ntouskos, F Pirri, M Pizzoli, A Sinha, B Cafaro
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 5, 10-28, 2013
Anticipation and next action forecasting in video: an end-to-end model with memory
F Pirri, L Mauro, E Alati, V Ntouskos, M Izadpanahkakhk, E Omrani
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.03728, 2019
A Comprehensive Analysis of Human Motion Capture Data for Action Recognition
V Ntouskos, P Papadakis, F Pirri
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 647-652, 2012
Cloudtran: Cloud removal from multitemporal satellite images using axial transformer networks
D Christopoulos, V Ntouskos, K Karantzalos
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2022
Confidence driven tgv fusion
V Ntouskos, F Pirri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.09302, 2016
Seabed Classification From Multispectral Multibeam Data
V Ntouskos, P Mertikas, A Mallios, K Karantzalos
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 48 (3), 874-887, 2023
Visual Search and Recognition for Robot Task Execution and Monitoring
M Lorenzo, F Puja, S Grazioso, V Ntouskos, M Sanzari, E Alati, L Freda, ...
Applications of Intelligent Systems 310, 94-109, 2018
A3d: A device for studying gaze in 3d
M Qodseya, M Sanzari, V Ntouskos, F Pirri
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016 Workshops: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 8 …, 2016
Help by predicting what to do
E Alati, L Mauro, V Ntouskos, F Pirri
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1930-1934, 2019
Anticipating next goal for robot plan prediction
E Alati, L Mauro, V Ntouskos, F Pirri
Intelligent Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 2019 Intelligent …, 2020
Deep execution monitor for robot assistive tasks
L Mauro, E Alati, M Sanzari, V Ntouskos, G Massimiani, F Pirri
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 0-0, 2018
Discriminative sequence back-constrained gp-lvm for mocap based action recognition
V Ntouskos, P Papadakis, F Pirri
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2 …, 2013
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Articles 1–20