Romain Lafay
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Pressure–temperature estimates of the lizardite/antigorite transition in high pressure serpentinites
S Schwartz, S Guillot, B Reynard, R Lafay, B Debret, C Nicollet, P Lanari, ...
Lithos 178, 197-210, 2013
High-pressure serpentinites, a trap-and-release system controlled by metamorphic conditions: Example from the Piedmont zone of the western Alps
R Lafay, F Deschamps, S Schwartz, S Guillot, M Godard, B Debret, ...
Chemical Geology 343, 38-54, 2013
Mineral replacement rate of olivine by chrysotile and brucite under high alkaline conditions
R Lafay, G Montes-Hernandez, E Janots, R Chiriac, N Findling, F Toche
Journal of Crystal Growth 347 (1), 62-72, 2012
Simultaneous precipitation of magnesite and lizardite from hydrothermal alteration of olivine under high-carbonate alkalinity
R Lafay, G Montes-Hernandez, E Janots, R Chiriac, N Findling, F Toche
Chemical Geology 368, 63-75, 2014
Trace element behavior during serpentinization/de-serpentinization of an eclogitized oceanic lithosphere: A LA-ICPMS study of the Lanzo ultramafic massif (Western Alps)
B Debret, M Andreani, M Godard, C Nicollet, S Schwartz, R Lafay
Chemical Geology 357, 117-133, 2013
Ultramafic rock carbonation: Constraints from listvenite core BT1B, Oman Drilling Project
A Beinlich, O Plümper, E Boter, IA Müller, F Kourim, M Ziegler, Y Harigane, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (6), e2019JB019060, 2020
In situ carbon mineralization in ultramafic rocks: Natural processes and possible engineered methods
PB Kelemen, R Aines, E Bennett, SM Benson, E Carter, JA Coggon, ...
Energy Procedia 146, 92-102, 2018
Petrologic and stable isotopic studies of a fossil hydrothermal system in ultramafic environment (Chenaillet ophicalcites, Western Alps, France): Processes of carbonate cementation
R Lafay, LP Baumgartner, S Stephane, P Suzanne, MH German, ...
Lithos 294, 319-338, 2017
Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part I. 3D architecture and metasomatic evolution of a fossil exhumed mantle domain (Urdach lherzolite, north …
Y Lagabrielle, R Asti, S Fourcade, B Corre, M Poujol, J Uzel, P Labaume, ...
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 190 (1), 2019
Nucleation and Growth of Chrysotile Nanotubes in H2SiO3/MgCl2/NaOH Medium at 90 to 300 °C
R Lafay, G Montes‐Hernandez, E Janots, R Chiriac, N Findling, F Toche
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (17), 5417-5424, 2013
Experimental Assessment of CO2-Mineral-Toxic Ion Interactions in a Simplified Freshwater Aquifer: Implications for CO2 Leakage from Deep Geological Storage
G Montes-Hernandez, F Renard, R Lafay
Environmental science & technology 47 (12), 6247-6253, 2013
Mantle exhumation at magma-poor passive continental margins. Part II: Tectonic and metasomatic evolution of large-displacement detachment faults preserved in a fossil distal …
Y Lagabrielle, R Asti, S Fourcade, B Corre, P Labaume, J Uzel, C Clerc, ...
Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 190 (1), 2019
Intracrystalline reaction-induced cracking in olivine evidenced by hydration and carbonation experiments
R Lafay, G Montes-Hernandez, F Renard, P Vonlanthen
Minerals 8 (9), 412, 2018
Dissolution-reprecipitation and self-assembly of serpentine nanoparticles preceding chrysotile formation: Insights into the structure of proto-serpentine
R Lafay, A Fernandez-Martinez, G Montes-Hernandez, AL Auzende, ...
American Mineralogist 101 (12), 2666-2676, 2016
Listvenite formation during mass transfer into the leading edge of the mantle wedge: initial results from Oman Drilling Project Hole BT1B
PB Kelemen, J Carlos de Obeso, JA Leong, M Godard, K Okazaki, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (2), e2021JB022352, 2022
Experimental investigation of As, Sb and Cs behavior during olivine serpentinization in hydrothermal alkaline systems
R Lafay, G Montes-Hernandez, E Janots, M Munoz, AL Auzende, A Gehin, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 179, 177-202, 2016
Fossil oceanic core complexes in the Alps. New field, geochemical and isotopic constraints from the Tethyan Aiguilles Rouges Ophiolite (Val d’Hérens, Western Alps, Switzerland)
T Decrausaz, O Müntener, P Manzotti, R Lafay, C Spandler
Swiss Journal of Geosciences 114, 1-27, 2021
Geochemical profiles across the listvenite‐metamorphic transition in the basal megathrust of the Semail Ophiolite: results from drilling at OmanDP Hole BT1B
M Godard, EJ Carter, T Decrausaz, R Lafay, E Bennett, F Kourim, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (12), e2021JB022733, 2021
Oxygen isotope disequilibrium during serpentinite dehydration
R Lafay, LP Baumgartner, B Putlitz, G Siron
Terra Nova 31 (2), 94-101, 2019
Influence of trace elements on the textural properties of synthetic chrysotile: Complementary insights from macroscopic and nanoscopic measurements
R Lafay, G Montes-Hernandez, E Janots, AL Auzende, R Chiriac, ...
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 183, 81-90, 2014
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