Mark Dras
Mark Dras
Professor of Computing, Macquarie University
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Cited by
Using dependency-based features to take the’para-farce’out of paraphrase
S Wan, M Dras, R Dale, C Paris
Proceedings of the Australasian language technology workshop 2006, 131-138, 2006
VnCoreNLP: A Vietnamese natural language processing toolkit
T Vu, DQ Nguyen, DQ Nguyen, M Dras, M Johnson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.01331, 2018
Contrastive analysis and native language identification
SMJ Wong, M Dras
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop …, 2009
Automatic recognition of student engagement using deep learning and facial expression
O Mohamad Nezami, M Dras, L Hamey, D Richards, S Wan, C Paris
Joint european conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in …, 2020
Generalised differential privacy for text document processing
N Fernandes, M Dras, A McIver
Principles of Security and Trust: 8th International Conference, POST 2019 …, 2019
Tree adjoining grammar and the reluctant paraphrasing of text
M Dras
Macquarie University, 1999
GLEU: Automatic evaluation of sentence-level fluency
A Mutton, M Dras, S Wan, R Dale
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational …, 2007
Exploiting parse structures for native language identification
SMJ Wong, M Dras
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2011
Arabic dialect identification using a parallel multidialectal corpus
S Malmasi, E Refaee, M Dras
International conference of the pacific association for computational …, 2015
Language identification using classifier ensembles
S Malmasi, M Dras
Proceedings of the joint workshop on language technology for closely related …, 2015
Stock market prediction with deep learning: A character-based neural language model for event-based trading
L dos Santos Pinheiro, M Dras
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop …, 2017
A fast and accurate Vietnamese word segmenter
DQ Nguyen, DQ Nguyen, T Vu, M Dras, M Johnson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06307, 2017
Multilingual native language identification
S Malmasi, M Dras
Natural Language Engineering 23 (2), 163-215, 2017
Agent-based modeling of the evolution of vowel harmony
KD Harrison, M Dras, B Kapicioglu
North East Linguistics Society 32 (1), 14, 2002
Predicting post severity in mental health forums
S Malmasi, M Zampieri, M Dras
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical …, 2016
Location mention detection in tweets and microblogs
S Malmasi, M Dras
Computational Linguistics: 14th International Conference of the Pacific …, 2016
Approaches for semantic interoperability between domain ontologies
B Orgun, M Dras, A Nayak, G James
Expert Systems 25 (3), 179-196, 2008
Chinese native language identification
S Malmasi, M Dras
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2014
Ltg at semeval-2016 task 11: Complex word identification with classifier ensembles
S Malmasi, M Dras, M Zampieri
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2016
Exploring adaptor grammars for native language identification
SMJ Wong, M Dras, M Johnson
Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20