André Victória Matias
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Cited by
What is the state of the art of computer vision-assisted cytology? A Systematic Literature Review
AV Matias, JGA Amorim, LAB Macarini, A Cerentini, ASC Onofre, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 91, 101934, 2021
Segmentation, detection, and classification of cell nuclei on oral cytology samples stained with papanicolaou
AV Matias, A Cerentini, LAB Macarini, JGA Amorim, FP Daltoé, ...
SN Computer Science 2 (4), 285, 2021
A novel approach on segmentation of agnor-stained cytology images using deep learning
JGA Amorim, LAB Macarini, AV Matias, A Cerentini, FBDM Onofre, ...
2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2020
Comparison of object detection approaches applied to field images of papanicolaou stained cytology slides
A Victória Matias, A Cerentini, LA Buschetto Macarini, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.08. 25.21262605, 2021
Systematic Literature Review of Computer Vision-Aided Cytology
JG Amorim, A Cerentini, LAB Macarini, AV Matias, A von Wangenheim
Nucleus Detection in Cervical Samples Stained With AgNOR
JGA Amorim, VM Sanches, T Bottamedi, AV Matias, MAM Cavaco, ...
Anais do Computer on the Beach 13, 045-050, 2022
Localização de núcleos celulares em citologia oral usando métodos de deep learning
AV Matias, A Cerentini, LAB Macarini, JGA Amorim, R Pereira, FP Daltoé, ...
Journal of Health Informatics 12, 2020
Comparative analysis of deep learning approaches for AgNOR-stained cytology samples interpretation
JGA Amorim, AV Matias, A Cerentini, LAB Macarini, AS Onofre, FB Onofre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10641, 2022
Comparative analysis of deep learning approaches for AgNOR-stained cytology samples interpretation
JG Atkinson Amorim, A Victória Matias, A Cerentini, ...
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2210.10641, 2022
Uso de redes neurais convolucionais para detecção precoce de câncer de cavidade oral em exames de citologia convencional com coloração de Papanicolau
AV Matias
Detecção de núcleos em imagens citológicas de AgNOR utilizando Aprendizado Profundo
JGA Amorim, LAB Macarini, AV Matias, A Cerentini, FBDM Onofre, ...
Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde 2020, 178-182, 2020
Aplicativo para Uso de Ludificação no Tratamento de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1
AV Matias
Florianópolis, SC, 2017
Semantic Segmentation for the Detection of Very Small Objects on Cervical Cell Samples Stained with the AgNOR Technique
JG Atkinson Amorim, A Victória Matias, A Cerentini, FB de Miranda Onofre, ...
Allan and de Miranda Onofre, Fabiana Botelho and Sherlley Casimiro Onofre …, 0
Computer-Aided Analysis of Oral Conventional Papanicolaou Cytology Samples
A Victória Matias, JG Atkinson Amorim, LA Buschetto Macarini, ...
João Gustavo and Buschetto Macarini, Luiz Antonio and Cerentini, Allan and …, 0
Learning to Identify the Navigable Path in Unstructured and Off-Road Scenes from a Single Dataset
AV Matias, J Marian, J Martins, F Trindade
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Articles 1–15