Elisa Cilia
Elisa Cilia
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From protein sequence to dynamics and disorder with DynaMine
E Cilia, R Pancsa, P Tompa, T Lenaerts, WF Vranken
Nature communications 4 (1), 2741, 2013
The DynaMine webserver: predicting protein dynamics from sequence
E Cilia, R Pancsa, P Tompa, T Lenaerts, WF Vranken
Nucleic acids research 42 (W1), W264-W270, 2014
Argot2: a large scale function prediction tool relying on semantic similarity of weighted Gene Ontology terms
M Falda, S Toppo, A Pescarolo, E Lavezzo, B Di Camillo, A Facchinetti, ...
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-9, 2012
DIDA: A curated and annotated digenic diseases database
AM Gazzo, D Daneels, E Cilia, M Bonduelle, M Abramowicz, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D900-D907, 2016
Accurate prediction of the dynamical changes within the second PDZ domain of PTP1e
E Cilia, GW Vuister, T Lenaerts
PLoS computational biology 8 (11), e1002794, 2012
The signature amidase from Sulfolobus solfataricus belongs to the CX3C subgroup of enzymes cleaving both amides and nitriles: Ser195 and Cys145 are …
E Cilia, A Fabbri, M Uriani, GG Scialdone, S Ammendola
The FEBS Journal 272 (18), 4716-4724, 2005
Early folding events, local interactions, and conservation of protein backbone rigidity
R Pancsa, D Raimondi, E Cilia, WF Vranken
Biophysical journal 110 (3), 572-583, 2016
Predicting structural and functional sites in proteins by searching for maximum-weight cliques
F Mascia, E Cilia, M Brunato, A Passerini
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 1274-1279, 2010
Automatic prediction of catalytic residues by modeling residue structural neighborhood
E Cilia, A Passerini
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-17, 2010
Dynamically coupled residues within the SH2 domain of FYN are key to unlocking its activity
R Huculeci, E Cilia, A Lyczek, L Buts, K Houben, MA Seeliger, ...
Structure 24 (11), 1947-1959, 2016
Predicting virus mutations through statistical relational learning
E Cilia, S Teso, S Ammendola, T Lenaerts, A Passerini
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-12, 2014
From binding-induced dynamic effects in SH3 structures to evolutionary conserved sectors
A Zafra Ruano, E Cilia, JR Couceiro, J Ruiz Sanz, J Schymkowitz, ...
PLoS computational biology 12 (5), e1004938, 2016
Relational feature mining with hierarchical Multitask kFOIL
E Cilia, N Landwehr, A Passerini
Fundamenta informaticae 113 (2), 151-177, 2011
From protein sequence to dynamics and disorder with DynaMine. Nat Commun 4, 2741
E Cilia, R Pancsa, P Tompa, T Lenaerts, WF Vranken
Advanced tree-based kernels for protein classification
E Cilia, A Moschitti
Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 218-229, 2007
Structured kernels for automatic detection of protein active sites
E Cilia, A Moschitti, S Ammendola, R Basili
MLG 2006, 117, 2006
Identification of the amino acid residues affecting the catalytic pocket of the Sulfolobus solfataricus signature amidase
C Elisa, A Sergio
Protein and Peptide Letters 17 (2), 146, 2010
Predicting virus mutations through relational learning.
E Cilia, S Teso, S Ammendola, T Lenaerts, A Passerini
AIMM, 2012
Frankenstein Junior: a relational learning approach toward protein engineering
E Cilia, A Passerini
Proceedings of the Annotation, Interpretation and Management of Mutations …, 2010
Mining Drug Resistance Relational Features with Hierarchical Multitask kFOIL
E Cilia, N Landwehr, A Passerini
Proceedings of BioLogical@ AI* IA2009, 2009
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Articles 1–20