Sudipto Mukherjee
Sudipto Mukherjee
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi
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Characterization of human passive muscles for impact loads using genetic algorithm and inverse finite element methods
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, B Karthikeyan
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 8, 67-76, 2009
Urban traffic safety assessment: a case study of six Indian cities
D Mohan, G Tiwari, S Mukherjee
IATSS research 39 (2), 95-101, 2016
Compliant design for flapping mechanism: A minimum torque approach
JP Khatait, S Mukherjee, B Seth
Mechanism and Machine Theory 41 (1), 3-16, 2006
Prediction of crushing behaviour of honeycomb structures
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, D Kumar, T Nakatani, M Ueno
International journal of crashworthiness 8 (3), 229-235, 2003
Sliding mode control of planar snake robot with uncertainty using virtual holonomic constraints
J Mukherjee, S Mukherjee, IN Kar
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 1077-1084, 2017
Six-degree-of-freedom three-wheeled-vehicle model validation
TR Gawade, S Mukherjee, D Mohan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2005
Validation of lower extremity model in THUMS
A Chawls, S Mukherjee, D Mohan, A Parihar
Proceedings of The Ircobi-International Research Council On The Biomechanics …, 2004
Finite element crash simulations of the human body: passive and active muscle modelling
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, B Karthikeyan, A Soni
Sadhana 32, 409-426, 2007
Effect of muscle contraction on knee loading for a standing pedestrian in lateral impacts
A Soni, A Chawla, S Mukherjee
Proceedings of 20th ESV conference, 2007
Motorcycle-car side impact simulation
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, D Mohan, M Singh, M Sakurai, Y Tamura
Proc. IRCOBI,(Isle of Man, UK), 2001
Characterisation of human diaphragm at high strain rate loading
P Gaur, A Chawla, K Verma, S Mukherjee, S Lalvani, R Malhotra, C Mayer
journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 60, 603-616, 2016
Three-wheeled scooter taxi: A safety analysis
S Mukherjee, D Mohan, TR Gawade
Sadhana 32, 459-478, 2007
Finite element reconstruction of real-world pedestrian accidents using THUMS pedestrian model
M Lalwala, A Chawla, P Thomas, S Mukherjee
International Journal of Crashworthiness, 1-16, 2019
A double-layered artificial delay-based approach for maneuvering control of planar snake robots
J Mukherjee, S Roy, IN Kar, S Mukherjee
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 141 (4), 041012, 2019
Effect of active muscle forces on knee injury risks for pedestrian standing posture at low-speed impacts
A Chawla, S Mukherjee, A Soni, R Malhotra
Traffic injury prevention 9 (6), 544-551, 2008
Apparatus and a method for folding and unfolding a foldable transport container
A Chawla, S Mukherjee
US Patent 8,480,552, 2013
Computation of unsteady flows with moving boundaries using body fitted curvilinear moving grids
SF Anwer, N Hasan, S Sanghi, S Mukherjee
Computers & structures 87 (11-12), 691-700, 2009
Motorcycle safety device investigation: A case study on airbags
A Chawla, S Mukherjee
Sadhana 32, 427-443, 2007
Analysis of pedestrian movement on Delhi roads by using naturalistic observation techniques
UU Jha, A., Tiwari, G., Mohan, D., Mukherjee, S., Banerjee, S.
Transportation Research Record 2634, 95-100, 2017
Effect of vehicle design on head injury severity and throw distance variations in bicycle crashes
S Mukherjee, A Chawla, D Mohan, M Singh, R Dey
Proc. of TRIPP conference, 2007
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Articles 1–20