Prof. Dr. Selahattin KURU
Prof. Dr. Selahattin KURU
Beykoz Üniversitesi
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Cited by
Cited by
Qualitative System Identification: Deriving Structure from Behavior
ACC Say, S Kuru
Artificial Intelligence 83, 75-143, 1996
Problem based learning
A Kolmos, S Kuru, H Hansen, T Eskil, L Podesta, F Fink, E de Graaff, ...
TREE-Teaching and Researc in Engineering in Europe, 2007
Problem based learning
S Kuru
TREE–Teaching and Research in Engineering in Europe: Problem based and …, 2007
Improved Filtering for the QSIM Algorithm
ACC Say, S Kuru
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 15 (9), 967-971, 1993
Dynamic Simulation with an Equation-based Flowsheeting System
S Kuru
Mixed-method validation of pedagogical concepts for an intercultural online learning environment: a case study
ELC Law, AV Nguyen-Ngoc, S Kuru
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2007
Muğla Üniversitesinin örgütsel öğrenme açısından incelenmesi
S Kuru
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2007
A Newton-Raphson Based Strategy for Exploiting Latency in Dynamic Simulation
S Kuru, AW Westerberg
Computers and Chemical Engineering, 175-182, 1985
A Newton-Raphson Based Strategy for Exloiting Latency in Dynamic Simulation
Kuru, S., AW Westerberg
Proceedings of the AIChE Diamono Jubile Meeting, 1983
Performance analysis of mobile agents using simulation
ME Türsem, MH Güneş, M Yıldız, S Kuru
Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003
E-Learning and microformats: a learning object harvesting model and a sample application
A Soylu, S Kuru, F Wild, F Mödritscher
Innovative Learning and Teaching Methods
E de Graff, M Markkula, M Demlova, S Kuru, H Peltola
Reengineering Engineering Education in Europe, 2007
Representation of Turkish morphology in ATN
T Güngör, S Kuru
Proceedings of Second Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Artificial …, 1993
Facilitating Cross-Border Self-directed Collaborative Learning: The iCamp Case
S Kuru, M Nawojczyk, K Niglas, E Butkeviciene, A Soylu
EDEN Annual Conference, Naples, Italy, 433-442, 2007
Problem based learning: TREE-Teaching and Researc in Engineering in Europe
A Kolmos, S Kuru, H Hansen, T Eskil, L Podesta, F Fink, A Soylo
Report by Special Interest Group B 52007, 2007
Innovative Learning and Teaching Methods. Published in TREE–Teaching and Research in Engineering in Europe (Eds. Borri, C. & Maffioli, F.). Erasmus Thematic Network
E de Graaff, M Demlová, S Kuru, H Peltola
Firenze University Press, 2007
A spelling checker and corrector for Turkish
HL Akin, S Kuru, T Guengor, I Hamzaoglu
Anonymous [Ano93e], 113-120, 1993
A Goal-Driven Blackboard Control Architecture Based on Extending Partially Complete General Goal Trees
S Kuru, F Bek
Knowledge Based Systems, 236-241, 1990
Postdiction using reverse qualitative simulation
ACC Say, S Kuru
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 27, 84-95, 1997
Qualitative System Identification
ACC Say, S Kuru
Proceedings of the 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 1991
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Articles 1–20