Benita Combet
Benita Combet
SNSF Ambizione grant holder, Institute of Sociology, University of Zurich
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Zitiert von
The Gender Wage Gap Opens Long before Motherhood. Panel Evidence on Early Careers in Switzerland
B Combet, D Oesch
European Sociological Review 35 (3), 332-345, 2019
Zur Entwicklung der intergenerationalen Mobilität in der Schweiz
B Jann, B Combet
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie/Swiss journal of sociology/Revue …, 2012
Zum Einfluss von primären und sekundären Effekten der sozialen Herkunft beim zweiten schulischen Übergang in der Schweiz. Ein Vergleich unterschiedlicher Dekompositions- und …
B Combet
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften 35 (3), 447-471, 2013
The institutional dimension of class-based educational decision-making: Evidence from regional variation in Switzerland
B Combet
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 48 (4), 301-320, 2019
Late School Tracking, Less Class Bias in Educational Decision-Making? The Uncertainty Reduction Mechanism and Its Experimental Testing
J Berger, B Combet
European Sociological Review 33 (1), 124-136, 2017
Educational aspirations and decision-making in a context of poverty. A test of rational choice models in El Salvador
M Jakob, B Combet
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 69, 2020
Women’s aversion to majors that (seemingly) require systemizing skills causes gendered field of study choice
B Combet
European Sociological Review 40 (2), 242-257, 2024
The social-origin gap in university graduation by gender and immigrant status: a cohort analysis for Switzerland
B Combet, D Oesch
Longitudinal and life course studies 12 (2), 119-146, 2021
L’inégalité salariale entre hommes et femmes commence bien avant la fondation d’une famille
B Combet, D Oesch
Social Change, 2019
The social origin gap in university completion among youth with comparable school abilities in Switzerland.
B Combet, D Oesch
TREE Working Paper Series, 2020
Die Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern beginnt lange vor der Familiengründung
B Combet, D Oesch
Social Change in Switzerland, 1-16, 2019
Chancengleichheit oder Statusvererbung?
B Combet
Institut für Soziologie, Universität Bern, 2011
The impact of primary and secondary effects of social origins on the second school transition in Switzerland: A comparison of decomposition methods and variable operationalization
B Combet
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