Pu Zhang
Pu Zhang
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Cited by
Sr-lstm: State refinement for lstm towards pedestrian trajectory prediction
P Zhang, W Ouyang, P Zhang, J Xue, N Zheng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
BLVD: Building a large-scale 5D semantics benchmark for autonomous driving
J Xue, J Fang, T Li, B Zhang, P Zhang, Z Ye, J Dou
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6685-6691, 2019
A survey of scene understanding by event reasoning in autonomous driving
JR Xue, JW Fang, P Zhang
International Journal of Automation and Computing 15 (3), 249-266, 2018
Social-aware pedestrian trajectory prediction via states refinement LSTM
P Zhang, J Xue, P Zhang, N Zheng, W Ouyang
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (5), 2742-2759, 2020
Fend: A future enhanced distribution-aware contrastive learning framework for long-tail trajectory prediction
Y Wang, P Zhang, L Bai, J Xue
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Heterogeneous trajectory forecasting via risk and scene graph learning
J Fang, C Zhu, P Zhang, H Yu, J Xue
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 24 (11), 12078-12091, 2023
Calibdepth: Unifying depth map representation for iterative lidar-camera online calibration
J Zhu, J Xue, P Zhang
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 726-733, 2023
Trajectory forecasting from detection with uncertainty-aware motion encoding
P Zhang, L Bai, J Xue, J Fang, N Zheng, W Ouyang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01478, 2022
Towards trajectory forecasting from detection
P Zhang, L Bai, Y Wang, J Fang, J Xue, N Zheng, W Ouyang
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (10 …, 2023
Enhancing mapless trajectory prediction through knowledge distillation
Y Wang, P Zhang, L Bai, J Xue
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.14177, 2023
A Space-Refine Paradigm for Automatic Carotid Artery Centerline Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
P Zhang, J Xin, J Wu, N Zheng
2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2023
Supplementary Materials for FEND: A Future Enhanced Distribution-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework For Long-tail Trajectory Prediction
Y Wang, P Zhang, L Bai, J Xue
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