Magnetospheric multiscale overview and science objectives JL Burch, TE Moore, RB Torbert, BL Giles Space Science Reviews 199, 5-21, 2016 | 1610 | 2016 |
Fast plasma investigation for magnetospheric multiscale C Pollock, T Moore, A Jacques, J Burch, U Gliese, Y Saito, T Omoto, ... Space Science Reviews 199, 331-406, 2016 | 1260 | 2016 |
Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above A Aab, P Abreu, M Aglietta, EJ Ahn, I Al Samarai, IFM Albuquerque, ... Physical Review D 90 (12), 122005, 2014 | 648 | 2014 |
IMF By‐dependent plasma flow and Birkeland currents in the dayside magnetosphere: 2. A global model for northward and southward IMF PH Reiff, JL Burch Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 (A2), 1595-1609, 1985 | 610 | 1985 |
Electron-scale measurements of magnetic reconnection in space JL Burch, RB Torbert, TD Phan, LJ Chen, TE Moore, RE Ergun, ... Science 352 (6290), aaf2939, 2016 | 608 | 2016 |
Cassini plasma spectrometer investigation DT Young, JJ Berthelier, M Blanc, JL Burch, AJ Coates, R Goldstein, ... The Cassini-Huygens Mission: Orbiter In Situ Investigations Volume 2, 1-112, 2004 | 588 | 2004 |
The space physics environment data analysis system (SPEDAS) V Angelopoulos, P Cruce, A Drozdov, EW Grimes, N Hatzigeorgiu, ... Space science reviews 215, 1-46, 2019 | 507 | 2019 |
Search for Dark Photons Produced in 13 TeV Collisions R Aaij, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, J Albrecht, F Alessio, ... Physical Review Letters 120 (6), 061801, 2018 | 481* | 2018 |
Solar wind plasma injection at the dayside magnetospheric cusp PH Reiff, TW Hill, JL Burch Journal of Geophysical Research 82 (4), 479-491, 1977 | 440 | 1977 |
IMAGE mission overview JL Burch Space Science Reviews 91 (1), 1-14, 2000 | 389 | 2000 |
An extreme distortion of the Van Allen belt arising from the ‘Hallowe'en’solar storm in 2003 DN Baker, SG Kanekal, X Li, SP Monk, J Goldstein, JL Burch Nature 432 (7019), 878-881, 2004 | 370 | 2004 |
Electron magnetic reconnection without ion coupling in Earth’s turbulent magnetosheath TD Phan, JP Eastwood, MA Shay, JF Drake, BUÖ Sonnerup, M Fujimoto, ... Nature 557 (7704), 202-206, 2018 | 349 | 2018 |
Polar views of the Earth's aurora with Dynamics Explorer LA Frank, JD Craven, JL Burch, JD Winningham Geophysical Research Letters 9 (9), 1001-1004, 1982 | 342 | 1982 |
The theta aurora LA Frank, JD Craven, DA Gurnett, SD Shawhan, DR Weimer, JL Burch, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 91 (A3), 3177-3224, 1986 | 332 | 1986 |
Composition and dynamics of plasma in Saturn's magnetosphere DT Young, JJ Berthelier, M Blanc, JL Burch, S Bolton, AJ Coates, FJ Crary, ... Science 307 (5713), 1262-1266, 2005 | 326 | 2005 |
Electron-scale dynamics of the diffusion region during symmetric magnetic reconnection in space RB Torbert, JL Burch, TD Phan, M Hesse, MR Argall, J Shuster, RE Ergun, ... Science 362 (6421), 1391-1395, 2018 | 294 | 2018 |
Correlated low‐frequency electric and magnetic noise along the auroral field lines DA Gurnett, RL Huff, JD Menietti, JL Burch, JD Winningham, SD Shawhan Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 89 (A10), 8971-8985, 1984 | 282 | 1984 |
IMF By‐dependent plasma flow and Birkeland currents in the dayside magnetosphere: 1. Dynamics Explorer observations JL Burch, PH Reiff, JD Menietti, RA Heelis, WB Hanson, SD Shawhan, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 (A2), 1577-1593, 1985 | 247 | 1985 |
Ion convection velocity reversals in the dayside cleft RA Heelis, WB Hanson, JL Burch Journal of Geophysical Research 81 (22), 3803-3809, 1976 | 230 | 1976 |
Auroral zone electric fields from DE 1 and 2 at magnetic conjunctions DR Weimer, CK Goertz, DA Gurnett, NC Maynard, JL Burch Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 90 (A8), 7479-7494, 1985 | 229 | 1985 |