Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr
Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr
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When hostile consumers wreak havoc on your brand: The phenomenon of consumer brand sabotage
A Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Journal of marketing 80 (3), 25-41, 2016
Sponsorship disclosure of influencers–a curse or a blessing?
A Giuffredi-Kähr, A Petrova, L Malär
Journal of Interactive Marketing 57 (1), 18-34, 2022
The Janus face of ideal self-congruence: Benefits for the brand versus emotional distress for the consumer
L Malär, D Herzog, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer, A Kähr
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (2), 163-174, 2018
How should retailers deal with consumer sabotage of a manufacturer brand?
B Nyffenegger, A Kähr, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 3 (3), 379-395, 2018
The Dirty Thirty of Brand Personality: Narcissistic, Machiavellian, and Psychopathic Brands
LA Malär, M Khamitov, A Giuffredi-Kähr
When consumer brand sabotage harms other consumers relationship with the brand
A Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
ACR North American Advances, 2018
The Dark Triad of brand personality: Scale development and validation
L Malär, A Giuffredi‐Kähr
Psychology & Marketing 41 (11), 2728-2740, 2024
A Typology of Consumer Brand Defenders: When Egoists, Justice Fighters and Brand Fans Defend your Brand
CL Ammann, A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Ad Transparency in Influencer Marketing: A Curse or A Blessing?
A Petrova, A Giuffredi-Kähr, LA Malär, D Hauert
EXPRESS: Beyond Strong Bonds: a Typology and Motivational Insights into Online Brand Defenders
C Ammann, A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Journal of Interactive Marketing, 10949968251320615, 2025
A Typology of Consumer Brand Defenders
CL Ammann, A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Brand Misbehavior: Integrating Multiple Perspectives
M Khamitov, A Giuffredi-Kähr
Advances in Consumer Research 48, 974-980, 2020
Brand Misbehavior: Integrating Multiple Perspectives
A Giuffredi-Kähr, A Kumbargeri, S Mandal, M Khamitov, L Malär, N Garg, ...
Advances in Consumer Research 48, 2020
Brand Defense durch die Community–Wenn Konsumenten und Konsumentinnen Marken verteidigen
CL Ammann, A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
What Drives Consumers to Defend Your Brand Against Criticism? Egoistic versus Altruistic Motives
CL Ammann, A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
When Consumer Brand Sabotage Harms Other Consumers' Relationship with the Brand
A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, WD Hoyer
Influencer Marketing: When and Why Does Ad Disclosure Matter?
A Petrova, A Giuffredi-Kähr, LA Malär, N Stucki
Consumer Brand Sabotage: When and Why Does it Cause Damage among Consumers?
A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, W Hoyer
Erste Untersuchung zu Markensabotage: wenn der Kunde zum Feind wird
B Nyffenegger, A Giuffredi-Kähr
Werbewoche, 2017
How Should Retailers Respond to Consumer Brand Sabotage?
A Giuffredi-Kähr, B Nyffenegger, H Krohmer, W Hoyer
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