Alexander von Eye
Alexander von Eye
Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Positive youth development, participation in community youth development programs, and community contributions of fifth-grade adolescents: Findings from the first wave of the 4 …
RM Lerner, JV Lerner, JB Almerigi, C Theokas, E Phelps, S Gestsdottir, ...
The journal of early adolescence 25 (1), 17-71, 2005
Origins of infant-mother attachment: An examination of interactional synchrony during the infant's first year.
RA Isabella, J Belsky, A von Eye
Developmental Psychology 25 (1), 12, 1989
Race, gender, and information technology use: The new digital divide
LA Jackson, Y Zhao, A Kolenic III, HE Fitzgerald, R Harold, A Von Eye
CyberPsychology & Behavior 11 (4), 437-442, 2008
Resilience among children exposed to domestic violence: The role of risk and protective factors
C Martinez‐Torteya, G Anne Bogat, A Von Eye, AA Levendosky
Child development 80 (2), 562-577, 2009
Does home internet use influence the academic performance of low-income children?
LA Jackson, A Von Eye, FA Biocca, G Barbatsis, Y Zhao, HE Fitzgerald
Developmental psychology 42 (3), 429, 2006
Information technology use and creativity: Findings from the Children and Technology Project
LA Jackson, EA Witt, AI Games, HE Fitzgerald, A Von Eye, Y Zhao
Computers in human behavior 28 (2), 370-376, 2012
Efficacy of interventions with caregivers: a reanalysis
CJ Whitlatch, SH Zarit, A von Eye
The Gerontologist 31 (1), 9-14, 1991
Latent variables analysis: Applications for developmental research
A Satorra, PM Bentler, A von Eye, CC Clogg
Corrections to test statistics and standard errors in covariance structure …, 1994
Research strategies in developmental psychopathology: Dimensional identity and the person-oriented approach
A von Eye, LR Bergman
Development and psychopathology 15 (3), 553-580, 2003
Introduction to configural frequency analysis: The search for types and antitypes in cross-classification
A Von Eye
Cambridge University Press, 1990
Nature and process of leisure constraints: An empirical test
L Raymore, G Godbey, D Crawford, A von Eye
Leisure sciences 15 (2), 99-113, 1993
Trauma symptoms among infants exposed to intimate partner violence
GA Bogat, E DeJonghe, AA Levendosky, WS Davidson, A Von Eye
Child abuse & neglect 30 (2), 109-125, 2006
Person-oriented and variable-oriented research: Concepts, results, and development
A von Eye, GA Bogat
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-), 390-420, 2006
Domestic violence, maternal parenting, maternal mental health, and infant externalizing behavior.
AA Levendosky, KL Leahy, GA Bogat, WS Davidson, A Von Eye
Journal of Family Psychology 20 (4), 544, 2006
Conceptualizing and modeling individual and ecological asset components of thriving in early adolescence
C Theokas, JB Almerigi, RM Lerner, EM Dowling, PL Benson, PC Scales, ...
The Journal of Early Adolescence 25 (1), 113-143, 2005
Structural equation modeling: applications in ecological and evolutionary biology
BH Pugesek, A Tomer, A Von Eye
Cambridge University Press, 2003
Configural frequency analysis: Methods, models, and applications
A Von Eye
Psychology Press, 2003
Caregiver burden and depressive symptoms: Analysis of common outcomes in caregivers of elderly patients
PR Sherwood, CW Given, BA Given, A Von Eye
Journal of aging and health 17 (2), 125-147, 2005
The impact of maternal characteristics and contextual variables on infant–mother attachment
AC Huth‐Bocks, AA Levendosky, GA Bogat, A Von Eye
Child development 75 (2), 480-496, 2004
The structure and developmental course of positive youth development (PYD) in early adolescence: Implications for theory and practice
E Phelps, S Zimmerman, AEA Warren, H Jeličić, A von Eye, RM Lerner
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 30 (5), 571-584, 2009
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Articles 1–20