Giang Binh Tran
Giang Binh Tran
Independent Researcher
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Distributional semantics from text and images
E Bruni, GB Tran, M Baroni
Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 workshop on geometrical models of natural …, 2011
Timeline summarization from relevant headlines.
G Tran, M Alrifai, E Herder
ECIR 2015, 2015
Predicting relevant news events for timeline summaries
G Binh Tran, M Alrifai, D Quoc Nguyen
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 91-92, 2013
Author profiling for Vietnamese blogs
DD Pham, GB Tran, SB Pham
2009 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 190-194, 2009
Leveraging Learning To Rank in an Optimization Framework for Timeline Summarization
GB Tran, AT Tran, NK Tran, M Alrifai, N Kanhabua
TAIA Workshop at SIGIR 2013, 2013
A hybrid approach to vietnamese word segmentation using part of speech tags
DD Pham, GB Tran, SB Pham
2009 International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering, 154-161, 2009
Joint Graphical Models for Date Selection in Timeline Summarization
G Tran, E Herder, K Markert
ACL 2015, 2015
Indexing and analyzing Wikipedia’s Current Events Portal, the Daily News Summaries by the Crowd.
GB Tran, M Alrifai
WWW 2014, 2014
Structured summarization for news events
G Binh Tran
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 343-348, 2013
Learning to simplify children stories with limited data
TT Vu, GB Tran, SB Pham
Intelligent Information and Database Systems: 6th Asian Conference, ACIIDS …, 2014
Automated 3D architecture reconstruction from photogrammetric structure-and-motion: A case study of the One Pilla pagoda, Hanoi, Vienam
T To, D Nguyen, G Tran
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
Leverage learning to rank in an optimization framework for timeline summarization
GB Tran, TA Tran, NK Tran, M Alrifai, N Kanhabua
TAIA workshop, SIGIR 13, 2013
Detecting Filter Bubbles in Ongoing News Stories
GB Tran, E Herder
23rd UMAP, 0
An information extraction approach to English-Vietnamese weather bulletins machine translation
SB Pham, GB Tran, DD Pham, KC Phung, KT Nguyen
2009 First Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems …, 2009
A Random Walk Model for Optimization of Search Impact in Web Frontier Ranking
G Tran, A Turk, BB Cambazoglu, W Nejdl
SIGIR 2015, 2015
Classification and change detection using point clouds
G Tran
Technische Universität Wien, 2018
WikiTimes Knowledge Extraction and Enrichment Process
G Tran, M Alrifai, TN Nguyen, W Nejdl
L3S Technical Reports, 2015
Towards Entity-Centric Preservation for Web Archive Enrichment
G Gossen, E Demidova, T Risse, GB Tran
ESWC 2014 PROFILE Workshop, 0
slow tourism as a digital detox for Vietnamese generation Z, a case study of northern region of Vietnam
G Tran
An Advanced IoU Loss Function for Accurate Bounding Box Regression
TH Ho-Si-Hung Nguyen, G Tran, DK Tran, DD Pham
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Articles 1–20