Dr. Isa Steinmann
Dr. Isa Steinmann
Oslo Metropolitan University
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Early tracking and different types of inequalities in achievement: Difference-in-differences evidence from 20 years of large-scale assessments
A Strello, R Strietholt, I Steinmann, C Siepmann
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 33 (1), 139-167, 2021
Participation in extracurricular activities and student achievement: Evidence from German all-day schools
I Steinmann, R Strietholt, D Caro
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 30 (2), 155-176, 2019
A Constrained Factor Mixture Analysis Model for Consistent and Inconsistent Respondents to Mixed-Worded Scales
I Steinmann, R Strietholt, J Braeken
Psychological Methods, 2021
The impact of education policies on socioeconomic inequality in student achievement: A review of comparative studies
R Strietholt, JE Gustafsson, N Hogrebe, V Rolfe, M Rosén, I Steinmann, ...
Socioeconomic inequality and student outcomes: Cross-national trends …, 2019
Gender Differences in School Achievement
M Rosén, I Steinmann, I Wernersson
International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education, 2022
Does tracking increase segregation? International evidence on the effects of between-school tracking on social segregation across schools
A Strello, R Strietholt, I Steinmann
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 78, 100689, 2022
The impact of inconsistent responders to mixed-worded scales on inferences in international large-scale assessments
I Steinmann, D Sánchez, S van Laar, J Braeken
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 29 (1), 5-26, 2022
Equal opportunities for all? Analyzing within-country variation in school effectiveness
I Steinmann, RV Olsen
Large-scale Assessments in Education 10 (1), 1-34, 2022
Student achievement and educational inequality in half-and all-day schools: Evidence from Germany
I Steinmann, R Strietholt
IJREE–International Journal for Research on Extended Education 6 (2), 17-18, 2019
International Reading Gaps between Boys and Girls, 1970–2016
I Steinmann, R Strietholt, M Rosén
Comparative Education Review 67 (2), 298-330, 2023
The effects of early between-school tracking on gender segregation and gender gaps in achievement: a differences-in-differences study
I Steinmann, A Strello, R Strietholt
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 34 (2), 189-208, 2023
Effekte nachmittäglicher Bildungsangebote auf sprachliche Kompetenzentwicklungen
I Steinmann, R Strietholt
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 65 (2), 285-306, 2019
The link between gender gaps in school enrollment and school achievement
I Steinmann, L Rutkowski
Comparative Education Review 67 (3), 584-612, 2023
Linking International Comparative Student Assessment
I Steinmann, R Strietholt, W Bos
LINCS Technical Report, 2014
Who responds inconsistently to mixed-worded scales? Differences by achievement, age group, and gender
I Steinmann, J Chen, J Braeken
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 31 (1), 5-31, 2024
Leveraging large-scale assessments for effective and equitable school practices: the case of the nordic countries
N Teig, I Steinmann
Large-scale Assessments in Education 11 (1), 21, 2023
Lesen Kinder, die nicht in der Kita waren, am Ende der Grundschule schlechter?
I Steinmann, L Zieger, N Hogrebe, R Strietholt
Jahrbuch der Schulentwicklung Band 19: Daten, Beispiele und Perspektiven 19 …, 2016
Mind the Gap… But Which Gap? The Distinctions Between Social Inequalities in Student Achievement
A Strello, R Strietholt, I Steinmann
Social Indicators Research 170 (2), 399-425, 2023
Competing explanations for inconsistent responding to a mixed-worded self-esteem scale: Cognitive abilities or personality?
J Chen, I Steinmann, J Braeken
Personality and Individual Differences 222, 112573, 2024
Disentangling general achievement levels and subject-specific strengths and weaknesses in mathematics, reading, and science
O Gladushyna, R Strietholt, I Steinmann
Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 33, 203-227, 2021
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