Geoffrey Klein
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Shorter snow cover duration since 1970 in the Swiss Alps due to earlier snowmelt more than to later snow onset
G Klein, Y Vitasse, C Rixen, C Marty, M Rebetez
Climatic Change 139, 637-649, 2016
Phenological and elevational shifts of plants, animals and fungi under climate change in the E uropean A lps
Y Vitasse, S Ursenbacher, G Klein, T Bohnenstengel, Y Chittaro, ...
Biological Reviews 96 (5), 1816-1835, 2021
‘Hearing’alpine plants growing after snowmelt: ultrasonic snow sensors provide long-term series of alpine plant phenology
Y Vitasse, M Rebetez, G Filippa, E Cremonese, G Klein, C Rixen
International Journal of Biometeorology 61, 349-361, 2017
Intensity, frequency and spatial configuration of winter temperature inversions in the closed La Brevine valley, Switzerland
Y Vitasse, G Klein, JW Kirchner, M Rebetez
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130, 1073-1083, 2017
Unchanged risk of frost exposure for subalpine and alpine plants after snowmelt in Switzerland despite climate warming
G Klein, M Rebetez, C Rixen, Y Vitasse
International journal of biometeorology 62, 1755-1762, 2018
High plasticity in germination and establishment success in the dominant forest tree Fagus sylvatica across Europe
L Muffler, J Schmeddes, R Weigel, A Barbeta, I Beil, A Bolte, C Buhk, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (8), 1583-1596, 2021
Best environmental predictors of breeding phenology differ with elevation in a common woodland bird species
M Bison, NG Yoccoz, B Carlson, G Klein, I Laigle, C Van Reeth, D Asse, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (18), 10219-10229, 2020
Earlier Snowmelt Advances Breeding Phenology of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria) but Increases the Risk of Frost Exposure and Wetland Drying
M Bison, NG Yoccoz, BZ Carlson, G Klein, I Laigle, C Van Reeth, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 645585, 2021
Variabilité du manteau neigeux des Alpes Européennes entre 1950 et 2016 dans un contexte de changement climatique: revue bibliographique
G Klein
Climatologie 15, 22-45, 2018
Evolution observée du manteau neigeux des Alpes suisses dans le contexte des changements climatiques entre 1970 et 2016
G Klein
Plant safety margin against frost damages has declined in Switzerland over the last four decades
Y Vitasse, L Schneider, G Klein, C Rixen, M Rebetez
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13887, 2017
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