Renzo Taddei
Renzo Taddei
Other namesRenzo Romano Taddei
Associate Professor, Institute of Marine Science, Federal University of São Paulo
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Cited by
Responsible innovation across borders: tensions, paradoxes and possibilities
P Macnaghten, R Owen, J Stilgoe, B Wynne, A Azevedo, A de Campos, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (2), 191-199, 2014
Feedback mechanisms between water availability and water use in a semi-arid river basin: A spatially explicit multi-agent simulation approach
PR van Oel, MS Krol, AY Hoekstra, RR Taddei
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (4), 433-443, 2010
Climate, stream flow prediction and water management in northeast Brazil: societal trends and forecast value
K Broad, A Pfaff, R Taddei, A Sankarasubramanian, U Lall, ...
Climatic Change 84, 217-239, 2007
Climate change and accusation: Global warming and local blame in a small island state
P Rudiak-Gould
Current Anthropology 55 (4), 365-386, 2014
Participatory processes and climate forecast use: Socio-cultural context, discussion, and consensus
ND Peterson, K Broad, B Orlove, C Roncoli, R Taddei, MA Velez
Climate and Development 2 (1), 14-29, 2010
Of clouds and streams, prophets and profits: the political semiotics of climate and water in the Brazilian Northeast
RR Taddei
Columbia University, 2005
Meteorologistas e profetas da chuva: conhecimentos, práticas e políticas da atmosfera
R Taddei
Editora Terceiro Nome, 2019
Watered-down democratization: modernization versus social participation in water management in Northeast Brazil
R Taddei
Agriculture and human values 28, 109-121, 2011
Mudanças climáticas, ciência e sociedade
LC Fleury, JCH Miguel, R Taddei
Sociologias 21, 18-42, 2019
Anthropologies of the future: on the social performativity of (climate) forecasts
R Taddei
Environmental Anthropology, 246-265, 2013
The politics of uncertainty and the fate of forecasters
R Taddei
Ethics, Policy & Environment 15 (2), 252-267, 2012
Communicating through vulnerability: knowledge politics, inclusion and responsiveness in responsible research and innovation
G Di Giulio, C Groves, M Monteiro, R Taddei
Journal of Responsible Innovation 3 (2), 92-109, 2016
Environmental citizenship in Latin America: Climate, intermediate organizations, and political subjects
B Orlove, R Taddei, G Podestá, K Broad
Latin American research review 46 (S1), 115-140, 2011
A comunicação social de informações sobre tempo e clima: o ponto de vista do usuário
R Taddei
Boletim SBMET, Ago-dez, 76-86, 2008
Oráculos da chuva em tempos modernos: mídia, desenvolvimento econômico e as transformações na identidade social dos profetas do sertão
R Taddei
Os Profetas da Natureza. Fortaleza: Editora Tempo dImagem, 2006
Thirty years of multilevel processes for adaptation of livestock production to droughts in Uruguay
G Cruz, W Baethgen, D Bartaburu, M Bidegain, A Giménez, M Methol, ...
Weather, Climate, and Society 10 (1), 59-74, 2018
Educação, antropologia, ontologias
R Taddei, AL Gamboggi
Educação e Pesquisa 42, 27-38, 2015
Social participation and the politics of climate in Northeast Brazil
R Taddei
Latta A, Wittman H, organizadores. Environment and citizenship in Latin …, 2012
Ser-estar no sertão: capítulos da vida como filosofia visceral
R Taddei
Interface-Comunicação, Saúde, Educação 18 (50), 597-607, 2014
La invención de la violencia (de las hinchadas de Buenos Aires)
R Taddei
Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 15-33, 2016
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Articles 1–20