Michaela Teich
Michaela Teich
Austrian Research Centre for Forests (BFW)
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Winter tourism and climate change in the Alps: an assessment of resource consumption, snow reliability, and future snowmaking potential
C Rixen, M Teich, C Lardelli, D Gallati, M Pohl, M Pütz, P Bebi
Mountain Research and Development 31 (3), 229-236, 2011
Avalanche protection by forests—A choice experiment in the Swiss Alps
R Olschewski, P Bebi, M Teich, U Wissen Hayek, A Grêt-Regamey
Forest policy and Economics 17, 19-24, 2012
Winter tourism, climate change, and snowmaking in the Swiss Alps: tourists' attitudes and regional economic impacts
M Pütz, D Gallati, S Kytzia, H Elsasser, C Lardelli, M Teich, F Waltert, ...
Mountain Research and Development 31 (4), 357-362, 2011
Evaluating the benefit of avalanche protection forest with GIS-based risk analyses—A case study in Switzerland
M Teich, P Bebi
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (9), 1910-1919, 2009
Snow avalanches in forested terrain: Influence of forest parameters, topography, and avalanche characteristics on runout distance
M Teich, P Bartelt, A Grêt-Regamey, P Bebi
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 44 (4), 509-519, 2012
Klimawandel und Wintertourismus: Ökonomische und ökologische Auswirkungen von technischer Beschneiung
M Teich, C Lardelli, P Bebi, D Gallati, S Kytzia, M Pohl, M Pütz, C Rixen
Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL, 2007
Snow and weather conditions associated with avalanche releases in forests: Rare situations with decreasing trends during the last 41 years
M Teich, C Marty, C Gollut, A Grêt-Regamey, P Bebi
Cold Regions Science and Technology 83, 77-88, 2012
Observations and modeling of the braking effect of forests on small and medium avalanches
T Feistl, P Bebi, M Teich, Y Bühler, M Christen, K Thuro, P Bartelt
Journal of Glaciology 60 (219), 124-138, 2014
Effects of bark beetle attacks on forest snowpack and avalanche formation–Implications for protection forest management
M Teich, AD Giunta, P Hagenmuller, P Bebi, M Schneebeli, MJ Jenkins
Forest Ecology and Management 438, 186-203, 2019
Computational snow avalanche simulation in forested terrain
M Teich, JT Fischer, T Feistl, P Bebi, M Christen, A Grêt-Regamey
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (8), 2233-2248, 2014
Bringing ecosystem services indicators into spatial planning practice: lessons from collaborative development of a web-based visualization platform
U Wissen Hayek, M Teich, TM Klein, A Grêt-Regamey
Ecological Indicators 61, 90-99, 2016
Quality of urban patterns: Spatially explicit evidence for multiple scales
U Wissen Hayek, D Efthymiou, B Farooq, T von Wirth, M Teich, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 142, 47-62, 2015
Explicit avalanche-forest feedback simulations improve the performance of a coupled avalanche-forest model
N Zurbriggen, J Nabel, M Teich, P Bebi, H Lischke
Ecological Complexity 17, 56-66, 2014
Protective forests for Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) in the Alpine Space
M Teich, C Accastello, F Perzl, F Berger
Protective Forests as Ecosystem-Based Solution for Disaster Risk Reduction …, 2022
Schnee und Lawinen in den Schweizer Alpen. Hydrologisches Jahr 2011/12.
F Techel, C Pielmeier, G Darms, M Teich, S Margreth
WSL Berichte 5, 2013
The concept of risk and natural hazards
C Accastello, S Cocuccioni, M Teich
Protective forests as Ecosystem-based solution for Disaster Risk Reduction …, 2021
Changes in forest cover and ecosystem services in Davos under climate change
P Bebi, M Teich, F Hagedorn, N Zurbriggen, SH Brunner, ...
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 163 (12), 493-501, 2012
Snow processes in mountain forests: interception modeling for coarse-scale applications
N Helbig, D Moeser, M Teich, L Vincent, Y Lejeune, JE Sicart, JM Monnet, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2545–2560, 2020
Volatile and Within-Needle Terpene Changes to Douglas-fir Trees Associated with Douglas-fir Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Attack
AD Giunta, JB Runyon, MJ Jenkins, M Teich
Environmental Entomology, 2016
Risk-based decision support for protective forest and natural hazard management
C Accastello, F Poratelli, K Renner, S Cocuccioni, CJL D’Amboise, ...
Protective Forests as Ecosystem-based Solution for Disaster Risk Reduction …, 2022
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