Anna Volokitin
Anna Volokitin
Graduate Student at Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zürich
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Cited by
Applying artificial intelligence to assess the impact of orthognathic treatment on facial attractiveness and estimated age
R Patcas, DAJ Bernini, A Volokitin, E Agustsson, R Rothe, R Timofte
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018
Query-adaptive Video Summarization via Quality-aware Relevance Estimation
AB Vasudevan, M Gygli, A Volokitin, L Van Gool
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Multimedia Conference, 582-590, 2017
Facial attractiveness of cleft patients: a direct comparison between artificial-intelligence-based scoring and conventional rater groups
R Patcas, R Timofte, A Volokitin, E Agustsson, T Eliades, M Eichenberger, ...
European journal of orthodontics 41 (4), 428-433, 2019
Modelling the Distribution of 3D Brain MRI using a 2D Slice VAE
A Volokitin, E Erdil, N Karani, KC Tezcan, X Chen, L Van Gool, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2020
Do Deep Neural Networks Suffer from Crowding?
A Volokitin, G Roig, TA Poggio
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 5628-5638, 2017
Deep features or not: Temperature and time prediction in outdoor scenes
A Volokitin, R Timofte, L Van Gool
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Machine Vision for Real-Time Intraoperative Anatomic Guidance: A Proof-of-Concept Study in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery
VE Staartjes, A Volokitin, L Regli, E Konukoglu, C Serra
Operative Neurosurgery, 2021
Predicting when saliency maps are accurate and eye fixations consistent
A Volokitin, M Gygli, X Boix
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Efficiently Detecting Plausible Locations for Object Placement Using Masked Convolutions
A Volokitin, I Susmelj, E Agustsson, L Van Gool, R Timofte
European Conference on Computer Vision, 252-266, 2020
Neural face video compression using multiple views
A Volokitin, S Brugger, A Benlalah, S Martin, B Amberg, M Tschannen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Decomposing Image Generation Into Layout Prediction and Conditional Synthesis
A Volokitin, E Konukoglu, L Van Gool
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
ETH-CVL@ MediaEval 2016: Textual-Visual Embeddings and Video2GIF for Video Interestingness.
AB Vasudevan, M Gygli, A Volokitin, L Van Gool
MediaEval, 2016
Do Deep Neural Networks Suffer from Crowding?
G Roig, A Volokitin, T Poggio
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 902-902, 2018
Early Adaptation of Deep Priors in Age Prediction from Face Images
M Hajibabaei, A Volokitin, R Timofte
Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW), 2017 IEEE International Conference on …, 2017
Neural face video compression using multiple views
M Tschannen, A Benlalah, A Volokitin, B Amberg, S Martin, S Brugger
US Patent 11,856,203, 2023
Gradient flow encoding with distance optimization adaptive step size
K Flouris, A Volokitin, G Bredell, E Konukoglu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05031, 2021
Machine vision for real-time intraoperative anatomical guidance: a proof-of-concept study in endoscopic pituitary surgery
VE Staartjes, AM Volokitin, L Regli, C Serra, E Konukoglu
Brain and Spine 1, 100602, 2021
Do Deep Neural Networks Suffer from Crowding?
A Volokitin, G Roig, T Poggio
Neural Networks, 2018
Predicting When Eye Fixations Are Consistent
A Volokitin, M Gygli, X Boix
2017 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, 2017
Do Deep Neural Networks Suffer from Crowding? Supplementary Material
A Volokitin, G Roig, T Poggio
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Articles 1–20