Christoph Schwab
Christoph Schwab
Professor for Mathematics, ETH Zurich
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p- and hp-finite element methods. Theory and applications in solid and fluid mechanics.
C Schwab
Boundary element methods
SA Sauter, C Schwab
Boundary Element Methods, 183-287, 2011
Discontinuous hp-Finite Element Methods for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems
P Houston, C Schwab, E Süli
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 39 (6), 2133-2163, 2002
Karhunen–Loève approximation of random fields by generalized fast multipole methods
C Schwab, RA Todor
Journal of Computational Physics 217 (1), 100-122, 2006
Finite elements for elliptic problems with stochastic coefficients
P Frauenfelder, C Schwab, RA Todor
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194 (2-5), 205-228, 2005
Analytic regularity and polynomial approximation of parametric and stochastic elliptic PDE's
A Cohen, R Devore, C Schwab
Analysis and Applications 9 (01), 11-47, 2011
Multi-level Monte Carlo finite element method for elliptic PDEs with stochastic coefficients
A Barth, C Schwab, N Zollinger
Numerische Mathematik 119, 123-161, 2011
Convergence rates of best N-term Galerkin approximations for a class of elliptic sPDEs
A Cohen, R DeVore, C Schwab
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 10 (6), 615-646, 2010
Local discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes system
B Cockburn, G Kanschat, D Schötzau, C Schwab
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 40 (1), 319-343, 2002
Sparse tensor discretizations of high-dimensional parametric and stochastic PDEs
C Schwab, CJ Gittelson
Acta Numerica 20, 291-467, 2011
Optimal a priori error estimates for the ℎ𝑝-version of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for convection–diffusion problems
P Castillo, B Cockburn, D Schötzau, C Schwab
Mathematics of computation 71 (238), 455-478, 2002
Convergence rates for sparse chaos approximations of elliptic problems with stochastic coefficients
RA Todor, C Schwab
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 27 (2), 232-261, 2007
Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic partial differential equations with random coefficients
FY Kuo, C Schwab, IH Sloan
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 50 (6), 3351-3374, 2012
Space-time adaptive wavelet methods for parabolic evolution problems
C Schwab, R Stevenson
Mathematics of Computation 78 (267), 1293-1318, 2009
Time discretization of parabolic problems by the hp-version of the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method
D Schötzau, C Schwab
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 38 (3), 837-875, 2000
High-dimensional adaptive sparse polynomial interpolation and applications to parametric PDEs
A Chkifa, A Cohen, C Schwab
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 14, 601-633, 2014
Randelementmethoden: Analyse, Numerik und Implementierung schneller Algorithmen
S Sauter, C Schwab
Springer-Verlag, 2004
Fast deterministic pricing of options on Lévy driven assets
AM Matache, T Von Petersdorff, C Schwab
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 38 (1), 37-71, 2004
Breaking the curse of dimensionality in sparse polynomial approximation of parametric PDEs
A Chkifa, A Cohen, C Schwab
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 103 (2), 400-428, 2015
Tensor-structured Galerkin approximation of parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs
BN Khoromskij, C Schwab
SIAM journal on scientific computing 33 (1), 364-385, 2011
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