André Walter
André Walter
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QCA, the truth table analysis and large-N survey data: The benefits of calibration and the importance of robustness tests
P Emmenegger, D Schraff, A Walter
2nd international QCA expert workshop, 2014
Research note: Measuring the impacts of colonialism: A new data set for the countries of Africa and Asia
P Ziltener, D Künzler, A Walter
Journal of world-systems research 23 (1), 156-190, 2017
No direct taxation without new elite representation: Industrialization and the domestic politics of taxation
P Emmenegger, L Leemann, A Walter
European Journal of Political Research 60 (3), 648-669, 2021
When dominant parties adopt proportional representation: The mysterious case of Belgium
P Emmenegger, A Walter
European Political Science Review 11 (4), 433-450, 2019
Majority protection: the origins of distorted proportional representation
A Walter, P Emmenegger
Electoral Studies, 2019
Disproportional Threat: Redistricting as an Alternative to Proportional Representation
P Emmenegger, A Walter
The Journal of Politics 83 (3), 917-933, 2021
Direct democracy, coalition size and public spending
P Emmenegger, L Leemann, A Walter
Journal of Public Policy 42 (2), 224-246, 2022
Does war exposure increase support for state penetration? Evidence from a natural experiment
A Walter, P Emmenegger
Journal of European Public Policy 29 (5), 652-669, 2022
The partisan composition of cantonal governments in Switzerland, 1848‐2017. A new data set
A Walter, P Emmenegger
Swiss Political Science Review 25 (1), 1-18, 2019
Socialist threat? Radical party entry, electoral alliances, and the introduction of proportional representation
A Walter
American Political Science Review 115 (2), 701-708, 2021
A race to the middle: The politics of interstate cost distribution and welfare state expansion
A Walter
The Journal of Politics 81 (3), 952-967, 2019
Taking the initiative: Direct democracy, coalition governments and welfare state expansion
A Walter
Journal of European Social Policy 29 (3), 446-459, 2019
War and taxation: the father of all things or rather an obsession?
P Emmenegger, A Walter
Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, 32-46, 2021
Ethnic minorities, interstate war, and popular support for fiscal capacity development
A Walter, P Emmenegger
Comparative Political Studies 56 (9), 1365-1397, 2023
Designing electoral districts for proportional representation systems: How electoral geography and partisan politics constrain proportionality and create bias
A Walter, P Emmenegger
The Journal of Politics 85 (3), 1123-1138, 2023
Federalism, direct democracy, and the expansion of the welfare state
A Walter
Social Policy Development in Swiss Cantons 1930-2000, 2018
International trade, the great war, and the origins of taxation: Sister republics parting ways
P Emmenegger, A Walter
Swiss Political Science Review 28 (4), 585-603, 2022
Labour Standards in Global Production Networks: Assessing Transnational Private Regulation and Workers’ Capacity to Act
JC Graz, J Sobrino Piazza, A Walter
Development and Change 53 (4), 912-937, 2022
Partisan districting and the adoption of proportional representation: gerrymandering and its discontents
P Emmenegger, A Walter
European Political Science Review 16 (2), 187-206, 2024
Landholding Inequality, Social Control, and Mass Opposition to Suffrage Extension
P Emmenegger, A Thoma, A Walter
British Journal of Political Science 54 (2), 437-455, 2024
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