Helwig Hauser
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Cited by
The state of the art in flow visualisation: Feature extraction and tracking
FH Post, B Vrolijk, H Hauser, RS Laramee, H Doleisch
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (4), 775-792, 2003
The state of the art in flow visualization: Dense and texture‐based techniques
RS Laramee, H Hauser, H Doleisch, B Vrolijk, FH Post, D Weiskopf
Computer graphics forum 23 (2), 203-221, 2004
Visualization and visual analysis of multifaceted scientific data: A survey
J Kehrer, H Hauser
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (3), 495-513, 2012
Glyph-based Visualization: Foundations, Design Guidelines, Techniques and Applications.
R Borgo, J Kehrer, DHS Chung, E Maguire, RS Laramee, H Hauser, ...
Eurographics (state of the art reports), 39-63, 2013
Parallel sets: Interactive exploration and visual analysis of categorical data
R Kosara, F Bendix, H Hauser
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 12 (4), 558-568, 2006
Interactive feature specification for focus+ context visualization of complex simulation data
H Doleisch, M Gasser, H Hauser
VisSym 3, 239-248, 2003
Angular brushing of extended parallel coordinates
H Hauser, F Ledermann, H Doleisch
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2002. INFOVIS 2002., 127-130, 2002
Outlier-preserving focus+ context visualization in parallel coordinates
M Novotny, H Hauser
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (5), 893-900, 2006
Scientific storytelling using visualization
KL Ma, I Liao, J Frazier, H Hauser, HN Kostis
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 32 (1), 12-19, 2011
High-quality two-level volume rendering of segmented data sets on consumer graphics hardware
M Hadwiger, C Berger, H Hauser
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 301-308, 2003
Topology-based flow visualization, the state of the art
RS Laramee, H Hauser, L Zhao, FH Post
Topology-based methods in visualization, 1-19, 2007
Two-level volume rendering
H Hauser, L Mroz, GI Bischi, ME Groller
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 7 (3), 242-252, 2001
Feature extraction and visualisation of flow fields.
FH Post, B Vrolijk, H Hauser, RS Laramee, H Doleisch
Eurographics (State of the Art Reports), 2002
Semantic depth of field
S Miksch, H Hauser
Proc. IEEE Symp. Information Visualization., 97-104, 2001
Visualization of multi‐variate scientific data
R Fuchs, H Hauser
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (6), 1670-1690, 2009
Interactive visualization of streaming data with kernel density estimation
OD Lampe, H Hauser
2011 IEEE Pacific visualization symposium, 171-178, 2011
Parallel sets: visual analysis of categorical data
F Bendix, R Kosara, H Hauser
IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, 2005. INFOVIS 2005., 133-140, 2005
Sonography of the small intestine
K Nylund, S Ødegaard, T Hausken, G Folvik, GA Lied, I Viola, H Hauser, ...
World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 15 (11), 1319, 2009
Generalizing focus+ context visualization
H Hauser
Scientific visualization: The visual extraction of knowledge from data, 305-327, 2006
Image space based visualization of unsteady flow on surfaces
RS Laramee, B Jobard, H Hauser
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 131-138, 2003
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Articles 1–20